Context and Tools

Not only should you read the documentation for Linux Administration and Python and HTML, etc, you should read the documentation for ps, grep and systemd, etc. Enter the command man ps into your command line and read the man page for Linux’s process control tool.

This is going to take some time. It is valuable work. Learning how these commands work is improving yourself. If you are not already making money with your home office based business, then you are going to need a job of some kind. So, reading the documentation is going to take up a substantial part of your free time.

You’ve got to take care of yourself during that time. I recommend walking and Qigong as the best exercise. You should find your own favorite form of exercise. Make sure you take care of your devotion to God. Eat natural whole food, avoid processed food as much as possible.

Potato chips and donuts are not food. They are tasty snacks, but they are not food and they are not healthy. Eat them rarely. Do not use drugs. Abusing drugs degrades human consciousness. Alcohol is a drug.

Do not litter. Smoking cigarettes is a dirty, stinking, bad habit. Clean up your apartment. Make sure your home office is neat and clean and well organized. You must be productive and you must pay your own way, in order to be a truly healthy citizen.

Citizenship is an important aspect of human consciousness and of human nature and civilization. It is voluntarily taking responsibility for your relationship with your community, locally, nationally and globally, as well as our natural habitat. Think about how you are adding value to your free marketplace. Work on that.

Read the Linux manual that is built into your operating system. Make sure you install the manual, whenever you install any software. Apt will often suggest complimentary programs to install when you install programs. Those suggestions are often the documentation for the application you are installing.

Mark the list with your cursor, then use control + shift + c to copy the text. After you install the program you originally intended to install, type in your sudo apt install, then paste the clip board into your command line. Make sure all the spaces are correct and edit the list to your preference and install your man pages, plugins and extensions.

I like bells and whistles, I want my applications to be as versatile and powerful as possible, however, make sure you don’t add so much clutter that it interferes with the speed of your system.

Browse around your man pages. zsh is a good one to read. ps is your process control, definitely read that. systemd is Process Identification (PID) number 1. Check it out.

Man pages are written in a format that is not all that easy for me to understand. They’re not stories. Its more like lists of data. One of my goals for this story, is to try to make the documentation more understandable, by describing the application in stories. I will not try to duplicate all the data. You can read that in the man pages.

My stories will compliment the man pages. They summarize them. Take a look at Ranger, Groff and Zathura. refer and eqn come with with Groff. Ranger is your command-line file browser. Groff is a document production tool and Zathura is a pdf viewer for your shell. There’s even a bare bones, command line web browser you can install called surf.

I don’t like reading text that stretches all the way across my browser. You can probably solve that problem with your website CSS. Other wise, groff will work just fine for writing stories. Latex seems way too complicated.

I’ve been using Kate. I’m experimenting with using vim. Now, I’ve installed groff and working on using it as my main writing tool. You do have to learn a particular syntax. It doesn’t seem to be as complicated as learning vim, so that should not be too much of a problem. Read the manuals. That’s what I’m doing.

Read the man page for roff. Then read the man page for groff. Groff builds on roff, which is the core of all the variants. Groff (GNU Roff) is the most common variant of roff.

Read the man pages for ranger, zathura and pandoc. This documentation come with Linux for free, so take advantage of it and make yourself a Linux ninja. Focus on UEFI, the Linux kernal and systemd. Then concentrate on using your desktop tools, like Dolphin, Konsole, Kontact, Kate and Firefox.

Once you get familiar with using Linux and it’s graphical tools, dig deeper and learn the command line tools. Start with zsh and vim. ls, mv and cp are very elementary. Study ps, find, whereis, which, grep, less, systemctl. Investigate writing scripts and using regular expressions.

You are the most important component of your free and open source, home office based free enterprise. Get as much education as you can. Free and open source education is the best education there is.

Buy some books and read them. Watch videos. Take some online courses. Learn as much as you can and trade your knowledge and skill in our one, world wide, free marketplace.

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