
Capitalism is the science of business and economics. It has produced more prosperity, for more people, than any other social and economic development system in human history. Private property, self-determination and free enterprise are important dimensions of capitalism.

Capitalism is a family oriented system. The patriarchy and the matriarchy are important features of real capitalism. Tyrants almost always attack the authority of the patriarchy over the family and over the private property the family owns.

We created the state to serve and protect our families. Unfortunately, some people have a selfish desire to be more important than other people and to control the people around them. Capitalism is based on the ancient patriarchy.

Capitalism and democracy both depend on religion. They are amoral systems. They depend on people having a moral education. Religion is the original source of moral and spiritual education. Seek the truth. Study the one, unchanging, eternal Faith of God.

Holistic Home Office is not a religion. It is just my subjective perspective of the one objective reality. You’ll have to read more than one story and watch more than one video on this website in order to figure out what I am saying here.

While the presentation may not be as beautiful as it could be, I’m writing these stories and creating this WordPress website all by myself. The content produced here at is very advanced, entertaining education. It is a holistic, heuristic perspective of the home office based, free agent artisan ecosystem.

If you are successful and happy in the corporate world, then keep doing what you are doing. Whether you want to work in a large or small business or your own home office based private enterprise, keep reading and watching the videos to learn how to solve the incredibly complex and fun puzzle of puzzles that your home office, website, art and science and story telling can be.

Creativity is the most primal instinct. Productivity is one form of creativity. Productivity causes prosperity. Unproductive people are worthless. Add value to the natural and artificial resources all around you. Learn how to be productive, how to make money, how to increase your capital and how to manage your private property well.

Get good at trading. Dale Carnegie’s, How to Win Friends and Influence People, and Napoleon Hill’s, How to Think and Grow Rich, are two classic books about cultivating an attitude of prosperity.

Home Office Desk with Computer

Accounting is a valuable skill. Use free and open source software to help you design and build your own private accounting system. I recommend using OpenOffice Calc to make a set of spreadsheets for your income and expenses. Make one sheet for your various sources of income. Make another one for your personal expenses and one for your business expenses.

Making your own set of financial documentation is one more way you can break free from the culture of dependence that our academy is teaching, big businesses are selling and big government is enforcing.

Keep your records up to date and neat and clean and well organized. Work on keeping the file system on your computers well organized. Continuously improve your technology stack, your skills and your strategy and tactics to keep accurate records of your financial activity.

The Small Business Administration has information and resources you can use to help you develop your free enterprise. Brian Tracy is one of my favorite business coaches. Learn how to survive and thrive in the class one civilization evolving on earth right now.

Photo by Josh Sorenson | Pexels 
Video by Bob Mccoy using Samsung Note 9