One Click WordPress Website

You can have a WordPress website up and running in a few hours, using Bluehost’s 1-Click WordPress Install. Just click on the link and follow the process to get your website published.

Learn how to use the WordPress, Content Management System. It is a complicated intellectual adventure. Get started building your website. Learn how to build websites, by building websites.

Screenshot of WordPress Website Dashboard

Website Theme

Kadence is an advanced WordPress theming system, actively maintained by a very high performance team of website developers. It enables you to use WordPress’ Gutenberg block editor to build your entire website, not just the posts and pages.

You can use Kadence as a plugin for many different themes, or you can use it as a theme. WordPress’ Gutenberg block editor is a major advancement in web development technology. Kadence amplifies the capability of the Gutenberg editor.

Search Engine Optimization

When I started this project I didn’t know very much about what I was doing. I got rid of all the plugins the Bluehost recommended and came already installed with One Click WordPress. I regret that and wish I had kept the plugins that bluehost recommends.

I used All-in-One SEO for a while, before I deleted it. It worked just fine. If I build another website, I’ll keep All-in-One SEO and learn how to use it.

Yoast SEO is one of the most popular and complete search engine optimization tools for WordPress. All-in-One SEO and Yoast are both good options. Let which ever one you select teach you how to make your articles and blog posts more attractive on the Internet. Make sure you fill out the SEO settings for every story you write.

Make sure you fill out the SEO Title, Slug and Meta Description sections of the Yoast SEO form, at the bottom of your WordPress editor. Don’t spend too much time trying to get your stories to maximize SEO requirements. Write valuable stories for people. Remember to also write for search engines. Write keyword focused stories and remember to sprinkle the keyword around in the story.

Answer the questions and follow the links in the Yoast form at the bottom of your posts and pages. Let Yoast teach you how to write stories that are valuable for your audience and attractive for search engines.

The most important thing to do for search engine optimization is to write valuable stories. Stories that have information that is valuable for your audience. Keeping your stories narrowly focused on one topic/keyword is a good idea.

Get in the habit of writing stories with an introduction that tells your audience what the story is about. Make a list of section headings. Then, write a story about each section. Then, write a sumary at the end, explaining what you have written.

Keep improving your story writing ability and think about your audience and the search engine optimization, while you are writing.

Jetpack Website Optimization

Jetpack seems like a security and make everything run efficiently application. Use it to help suppress spam on your website. Use it to boost the performance of your website. And use Jetpack to back your website up.

Google Analytics

Check out Google Analytics. Do some research, read the documentation and watch videos. On the lower left hand corner of your Google Analytics dashboard is a link called Discover. Click on it and watch some of the videos to learn how to use one of your most valuable tools.

While you’re learning how to use these graphical tools, which usually require very little if any coding, you’ll be getting glimpses of how PHP works. Eventually, you’ll want to learn how to take more control of your website using PHP, Javascript, HTML and CSS.


Google Analytics is a powerful tool. MonsterInsights enables you to manage your Google Analytics technology, inside your WordPress dashboard. Get your Google Analytics account set up and then, get the Google code snippet for your website inserted into your MonsterInsights dashboard, so Google’s search engine can find you and MonsterInsights can show you the data from Google Analytics in your WordPress dashboard.

Learn how to use cPanel on Bluehost. Use WordPress’ Gutenberg block editor. Kadence greatly amplifies the capabilities of Gutenberg. Use Yoast, Google Analytics, MonsterInsights and Jetpack in the WordPress dashboard.

Each one of these applications are sophisticated technologies. Do your research. Practice. Get really good at using these few tools, to create beautiful digital art, computer science and technology, as well as a high performance business platform.

Linux is getting better and KDE is getting more and more functional and user friendly. Bluehost is focusing on offering high performance WordPress technology and WordPress is still the world’s most popular content management system. The Gutenberg block editor is a significant advance in the development of WordPress and Kadence is a significant improvement of Gutenberg. Stay focused and get really good at using these few tool sets.

Pay attention to your audience’s wants and needs. Responding to your audience will encourage you to create more content relevant to your audiences interest. Use your artificial intelligence to liberate mankind, not harm or control any of us.