

Writing is a skill that takes practice. Read other people’s stories. Read some poetry, to learn how to write smooth flowing stories.


Scribus is a full featured, free and open source, desktop publishing application. It is written in C++, with the Qt SDK. Do your research. Investigate Scribus and see if you can use it in your holistic home office. Read the documentation to help you learn the very valuable desktop publishing skill.

Story Telling

There is a lot more to writing good stories than just writing them. You have a lot of research to do. You need to get the story arranged in a logical order. Both within the story itself and with the other stories on your website or in your book or magazine.

Writing in Public

Writing in public, at the café or the library, etc., gives you opportunities to meet people. Interact with your audience. Keep your eyes open for opportunities to inform people about your website and your network marketing opportunity.

Word Count

Sometimes, you just have to keep slogging along. After sitting at your desk for 12 hours, editing articles and working on the SEO characteristics of your website, you might have to keep going to make that deadline for tomorrow morning. Follow your outline. Find your voice.