HomoSpeis Hypothesis

HomoSpeis Hypothesis is a very advanced, entertaining education about human nature and civilization. The content is valuable, the presentation can still be improved. I probably say way to much.

To some extent, the stories are arranged in chronological order. HomoSpeis Hypothesis is a scientific hypothesis about the evolution of HomoSapiens into HomoSpeis.

Many Teachers and Many Students

I grew up learning about science and history in school and another entirely different story at church. They both seemed like reasonable stories to me. I’ve been seeking the truth about both of them ever since then. HomoSpeis Hypothesis combines my perspective of science, history, philosophy and religion into one holistic story about natural history and spirituality.

The story is fairly long and intense. It is wide and deep. Please be patient with my long and repetitive explanations of the ideas and read the whole story all the way through from start to finish.

No one has ever given me permission to create a website or write these stories. In fact, I’ve encountered an astonishing amount of resistance to the idea of me being a professional story teller.

Maybe my stories are not all that entertaining. My writing style is probably hard to follow. I’ve always felt that reading and learning was my way out of the violence and poverty I grew up in; and now I feel like my calling is writing and telling stories, sharing what I’ve learned. Writing and telling stories is fun for me.

I have no authority to speak for anyone other than myself. I do quote a lot of people. I endorse their point of view, they do not necessarily even know about mine, let alone endorse it.

Sometimes I do not agree with every detail of what someone else says, but I include their story to illustrate a point I’m making. I am very grateful for the contributions of various authors to the conversation.

I’ve tried to be positive, peaceful and respectful and to follow all the rules about intellectual property and business law, etc. Business law and intellectual property rights are not my specialty, so if I make any mistakes, please let me know and I’ll correct them. I like a free and open source ecosystem, and I realize that not everyone shares my view about that.

Speis is the Most Primal Instinct in Human Nature

Faith is the most important facet of HomoSpeis. Anyone, regardless of religion or lack of religion, can practice holistic human being. In fact, anyone who is actually practicing any true religion, such as Hindus, Jews, Buddists, Christians, Muslims and Baha’is and many other major world religions, are already practicing holistic human being.

I am a Baha’i. I’m probably not a very good example of a Baha’i. I grew up in a violent, drug invested culture and the Baha’i Faith is a very gentle, peaceful and healthy culture. I believe in Baha’u’llah. I’m trying to find the right balance between including this most important feature of human nature and civilization, speis, and not “clamorously proclaiming the Faith in the market place.”

If anything I say or do contradicts the teaching of Baha’u’llah, then I am wrong. God makes the rules. And I believe that Baha’u’llah is the Manifestation of God, for our generation of human nature and civilization. Baha’u’llah is the King of kings, the Lord and Savior of the entire human race and I recommend investigating His Sacred Writings and following His directions.

HomoSpeis University does not represent an authoritative or official interpretation of the Baha’i Faith. There is no clergy in the Baha’i Faith. Independent investigation of truth, consultation and the Covenant of Baha’u’llah, are some of the most central and important tenets of the Baha’i Faith. If you are interested in the Baha’i Faith, then you will have to investigate it for yourself. I do recommend investigating the Baha’i Faith.

You do not need to be a Baha’i to enjoy and benefit from the stories in the HomoSpeis Hypothesis. I do freely express my faith in the stories. It will not harm you to learn about the Baha’i Faith and it might help you more than you think it will. Reading these stories will help you liberate yourself from any man made dogma of any kind. Your speis, your spirituality, is a completely voluntary attitude and way of life.

This is a very advanced, deep learning, experience. You will still be you. You do not have to agree with anything I say. Reading these stories will change your mind. It will be a life improving experience for anyone who reads the story.

So, enjoy the ride. Have fun and be careful, improving yourself and making the world a better place.