Computer Science

Just like language is the basis of human consciousness, computer programming languages are the basis of artificial intelligence. Exploring and learning these languages will enable you to use your skill to communicate with and use the global cloud of artificial intelligence, which is being created right now, more effectively.

These stories describing some of the technical details of computer science are going to be some of the hardest to read. Technical manuals are not the most engaging stories. I recommend that you do not skip them. Read through them as fast as you can, without getting stuck on parts you don’t understand.

This is a first introduction of a layered teaching/ learning system. Get these introductory ideas in your long term memory and if you want to, you can build on them in further research. The artificial intelligence is here to stay. It will be a feature of life on earth from now on.

Even if you have no plans on being a computer scientist of any kind, having a superficial understanding of elementary principles of the science is valuable information for anyone alive on earth. If you are already a computer science with a lot more knowledge than me, then the philosophy described in the stories will be valuable information for you and I welcome any suggestions about how to improve the stories.

Machine Language

You write code in a relatively human readable form, in programming languages like C, Python and QML, then, your computer uses, either a compiler to compile the source code into machine language, or an interpreter to interpret the source code into machine language, which your computer can use to process your code. Machine Language is an introduction to that process and the languages that your programming languages are compiled or interpreted into.

C Programming Language

When the operating system Unix was invented in AT&T’s Bell Labs during the 1960s, it had to be custom made for each machine it was installed on. The creators of Unix invented the C programming language and rewrote Unix in C to make Unix portable. The C compiler is designed to be able to compile C programming code into the very low level Assembly code and then, into the binary code the machine uses. Linux is written in C.


C++ was originally written as an extension of C, to add object oriented programming to C’s process oriented programming style. It has since become a complete, compiled, object oriented language.


QML is the markup language that KDE is written in. It’s like a mixture of HTML and CSS, except that it is used to make applications that run on your desktop natively, rather than in a browser. QML uses JavaScript on the front of your website, to make an attractive and functional user experience and C++ in the back for the logic of your application.


Python is one of the most versatile interpreted languages. You can use it in conjunction with other languages. You can create websites and program artificial intelligence, etc., with Python.


PHP very similar to Python. PHP is faster than Python. Python is more versatile than PHP. WordPress is written in PHP. The most popular content management systems, like Drupal and Joomla, are also written in PHP.


Your databases are one of the most important features of your websites and your other programs. While SQL is not the only programming language that databases are written in, it is one of the most popular, if not the most popular. There are many different forms of SQL. MySQL is often the default database software for programs. PostgreSQL is striving to be the most advanced SQL database programming language.

  • Computer Architecture
  • Compiler
  • Akonadi
  • Kirigami
  • QtQuick
  • ufw