
HomoSpeis is a new race of mankind. HomoSapien is intelligent man. HomoSpeis is spiritual man.

A human soul is created at conception. When the sperm penetrates into the egg and the egg becomes impervious to further fertilization, a soul is created. That soul attaches itself to the mother’s womb and grows in a symbiotic relationship with his or her mother.

The soul’s body grows in waves of unfolding progress, just like a plant growing up into a beautiful flower. After its prenatal stage of growth babies experience about 20 years of postnatal growth and development, before attaining adulthood.

While a child can survive after a few years of rearing by adults, civilized human beings require at least 15 years of adult supervision and education and training. The biological parents are the ideal guardians. Any alternative is a handicap. Grandparents and aunts and uncles are the best alternative guardians, in case parents are unable to raise their children for any reason.

The purpose of life on earth is to, know and love God. Seek the truth and strive to allow your faith to shine; in all of your thoughts, words and deeds. Practice moral values and spiritual principles in your outer and inmost being, your attitude and actions.

Developing your spirituality is the only real way to develop a genuinely, positive mental attitude, which is the first step to living a truly holistic, healthy lifestyle (Murray, 2012). It’s not only inner consistency, it’s inner consistency and harmony with the ecosystem around you.

Talk to God often; at least every morning and evening. Having an ongoing conversation with our Creator is probably the most important thing that we can do to improve our physical, mental and spiritual health and well being. It is a vital and central facet of holistic healing. Prayer and meditation causes us to be happy, healthy and wealthy.

Study the Word of God, as you understand it, let that divine education sink into your inmost being and influence you, so that spirituality becomes natural for you. Reading the Word of God every morning and evening is a vitally important facet of living a holistic and healthy lifestyle. Listening to God involves both, reading the Word of God and whatever meditation technique you are comfortable with.

Studying the Word of God together with your family is very important. It teaches each individual member of your family to be spiritual and it teaches your family to stay together and flourish in our universal commonwealth.

Do not allow anyone to intimidate you into not genuinely and openly expressing your faith, and never think that your religion is superior or inferior to anyone else’s. Unity in diversity is good. Freely associate in genuine friendship with all people, no matter what particular form of spirituality you and they practice. Just do not tolerate suppression of legitimate religion in any circumstance.

If anyone is killing people or intimidating or oppressing or persecuting anyone in the name of religion, we can be sure that it is not the real unchanging eternal Faith of God. Spirituality is the antidote to bullying. Religious bullies are the worst kind of bully.

We should not be disrupting legitimate activities with religious ceremonies, or even allowing anyone to do so. Religion is for the benefit of all mankind, not to be used as leverage for one group to use against any other group.

During meditation, try sitting in the unity position, the typical Buddhist position, sitting on a pillow with legs crossed, arms resting on your knees with your thumbs and first or second fingers touching and with your palms turned up.

If that position is too uncomfortable or maybe even impossible, then sit on a chair with your feet comfortably on the ground and your hands lying palm up in your lap. Relax.

At first, concentrate on your breathing. Make sure that you are breathing deep, that your diaphragm is moving up and down and your stomach is moving in and out, not only your chest. Don’t worry about your mind wandering, its normal. Listen to your heart beat. Pay attention to your breath. Keep bringing your attention back to your breath.

And of course, these are all just suggestions that I learned from other people. There really is no right way to meditate. Some people meditate while jogging or bike riding. I sometimes like to meditate while lying on the floor with a pillow under my back, in order to help improve my bad posture. The point is to take a few minutes every day and listen to your body, your environment, your soul and your Higher Power.

I also like to practice Qigong every once in awhile. I found a seven minute Qigong for health video and I follow that 4 or 5 times a months. It would probably be more effective if I do it every day and try different routines. I do try different routines, I just don’t do it as often as should, to get the most benefit from it. I usually do it several days in a row and then get distracted and don’t do it for awhile.

Freewill = Submission to God

God makes the rules. We prosper when we follow the rules made by God. We suffer when we follow our own man made rules.

Free will is our ability to choose between multiple good and right options. Our ability to choose between right and wrong is one small subset of options. With the knowledge of good and evil comes the responsibility to choose good and not evil. Responsibility is the very foundation of free will. Justice and oppression are examples of good and evil.

Responsibility and freedom are the yin and yang of morality, just like voluntary and submission are the yin and yang of spirituality. Male and female is the yin and yang of human nature and civilization. Positive and negative are the yin and yang of the energy that all matter is made of. They’re not opposites trying to annihilate each other. They’re symbiotic partners, the primal structure of all creation. Attraction and radiance are orthogonal vectors of each other.

Free will is being able to choose between several options that are all good and right. As long as I have an attitude of submission to God, then my will is freewill, and my behavior will reflect the spirituality revealed by God. Otherwise, my will is self will, which is a barbaric disorder of healthy human nature.

This attraction, this seeking the truth and justice and God, is a permanent feature of human nature and civilization. It is something that we all, individually and collectively, have to do all the time. If we get complacent and forget to make the effort to practice submission to God, then we fall off the true path to God. Every generation of human beings must struggle to establish freedom, equality and justice for themselves and their children.

For example, you can be a writer or a painter, we can have a capitalist or a communist economy, as long as we’re being fair and adding value to society and serving all the people and not oppressing anyone. Being a writer and a capitalist is a voluntary choice, one specialty, such as biology or physics, is not necessarily inferior or superior to any other.

You have an unalienable right to do whatever you want to do, as long as it doesn’t harm anyone else. Our individual rights are going to be influenced by the right of other individuals and the right of society. Freedom, equality and justice for all are really good ideas.

Being fair, adding value to society and serving people, is a moral imperative. Whether you’re a writer or a painter or both, whether we have a capitalist or communist economy or something entirely different, be fair, add value to society and serve the entire human race, not just yourself or any other special interest group.

The exact nature of my wrongs is that they are harmful, to me or to anyone else. Practice harmlessness.

Baha’u’llah says, He has no intention or need to force anyone to believe anything or to do anything. He also says, unproductive people are worthless. Makes sense to me. Even most handicapped people can be productive in some small way.

Cultivating Healthy Habits

Changing your bad habits into good and healthy habits is a Jihad. It is a struggle to change your selfish attitudes and actions into spiritual thoughts, words and deeds.

Surround yourself with healthy, spiritual influences. Avoid unhealthy or immoral influences. Almighty God decides what is true, healthy and moral; not ourselves or any other human being, other than the Manifestation of God.

You’ve got to replace your bad habits with good, healthy habits. Take positive action. It’s almost impossible to take a negative action, to just stop doing some habitual behavior. You have to replace the habitual behavior with some other, healthier, habitual behavior.

For example, in order to stop over eating the processed food, saturated with sugar and salt, start eating a healthy diet of nutritious, fresh, whole food. Start exercising.

Every religion teaches us what to do and what not to do, so negative attitudes and activity is not necessarily wrong. My own experience is that I’ve always had to replace my bad habits with good, healthy habits.

Suffering is dissatisfaction. I’m content to let Baha’u’llah make the rules in my life. I’m not content to let these character defects fester in my life. My attachment disorder, caused by my developmental experience, when I was a young child, has influenced me to develop some extremely dysfunctional character traits.

Fear of love, fear of being abandoned, fear of being trapped or controlled, fear of being hurt, all contribute to my, “inability to adapt to military life,” or any other social circumstances. These are very primal instincts, developed during the dangerous, perverse and sometimes violent and often painful social ecosystem I grew up in.

Thank God, my mom introduced me to the Mormon religion and I caught a glimpse of another, spiritual way of life. I always wanted to be a moral and spiritual person, even though my behavior has not always reflected that desire. I said yes to everything, the drugs, the sexual immorality and the religion and spirituality. I just never resigned myself to being a criminal or a morally retarded barbarian. I do not want to hurt anyone.

Cling to the Hem of the Robe of Baha’u’llah, no matter what happens. Keep believing in Baha’u’llah. Get control of your unruly passion. Seek the truth. Surrender to Baha’u’llah. Do whatever it takes to get control of yourself and follow the rules revealed by Baha’u’llah.

The Baha’i Faith is a conscious decision, it is a voluntary attitude and action. While most humans do have an instinctual attraction to spirituality, the religious discipline to train your spirituality to manifest itself in a civilized way, is something you do on purpose, initiated by your soul, using the executive decision making faculty of your brain. In other words, its a voluntary, rather than instinctual, attitude and action.

Nutritional Health

Daily prayer and meditation, eating natural, healthy whole food, exercising, practicing good family values and participating in a spiritual fellowship and practicing spirituality in every detail of your life, are all positive actions that you can take, to crowd out any bad habits you may have accumulated during your developmental experience.

It’s been very difficult for me to change my bad habits into healthy habits. Each one has been a titanic struggle. It is really important that we start educating children about spirituality, world unity, natural health care and unity in diversity starting at conception, so that our people don’t have to go through this gut wrenching process of changing bad habits into spiritual habits, after we grow up and realize there’s a better way of life.

Every human being alive on earth should be required to complete a parenting class in order to graduate from high school. We should also be required to pass a drivers education class and a gun safety class.

Prevention is the first tactic in our strategy for completely and permanently purging all of these bad habits out of human nature and civilization. And no matter how advanced we become, we will always be able to improve ourselves and help others.

When I stopped smoking cigarettes, I paid $175 for some herbs called No Smoking. I took the herbs as directed. I stayed home and ate a bowl of Tastations candy and read a post graduate level textbook about counseling. That’s what I was doing on 9/11/2001. It was the best $175, plus $90 for the book, that I ever spent.

I initially gained a lot of weight. I went from less than 155lbs, to over 240lbs in a few months. Once I noticed that, I started working on my diet and nutrition. Now, I’m about 15 lbs heavier than my optimum weight of 190lbs. My biggest failure right now, as I write this story, is that I don’t get very much exercise.

Holistic Healing

Build on your spiritual foundation by investigating and practicing nutritional healing systems. We are what we eat. Get yourself a good book about nutrition and study it. Learn how to shop for, cook and eat fresh whole food, not processed food.

First, we can use food to prevent illness, then, we can use food to heal illness. Just pay attention to what you’re eating. The food you eat has a very significant influence on your health. Get as much information about your own physiology and start taking supplements. A good vitamin recipe is a good start.

If you don’t think nutrition is that important, just think about the epidemic of addiction, ADHD, obesity, diabetes, heart disease and cancer; and that we have the most expensive health care system in history. Our nutrition has a profound influence on our health and the processed food is contributing to this epidemic of disease. Poor nutrition is not the only cause of these diseases, it is definitely one of the contributing factors.

Our science and technology about human nature and health care is phenomenal. Don’t be afraid to use our medical establishment to solve your health care problems. Most doctors and nurses get involved in the trade, because they want to help people.

Always remember that you, not your doctor, are responsible and accountable for your own health care. Personal responsibility, self-determination and free enterprise are facets of your free agency, one of the most central and important features of a positive mental attitude and healthy human nature.

Again, this idea that you are responsible for your own health and your financial affairs and every other aspect of your life is one of the central tenets of holistic human being. Take responsibility for yourself. All of your relationships can be healthy, when you are able to respond.

In their book, The Encyclopedia of Natural Medicine, (2012) Michael Murray and Joseph Pizzorno recommend that the four cornerstones of good health are:

  • a positive mental attitude
  • a health-promoting lifestyle
  • a health-promoting diet
  • supplementary measures

A positive mental attitude has an important influence on your health. Every cell in your bodies is always surrounded by and filled with your positive or negative attitude. Just think about it. Do you bathe in fresh clean water or dirty water. Its the same thing with your attitude. It influences the life force, the flow of chi, in around and through every cell in your body. Read the Word of God to cultivate a good attitude.

Eat lots of plant based natural whole food. Exercise. Supplementing your diet with vitamins and minerals can be helpful. Using natural medicine, rather than the artificial drugs and surgery, is a good idea in my opinion. However, if artificial medicine can help relieve your suffering or improve your health, then by all means, use every available means to improve yourself and to improve human nature and civilization.

Cultivating Your Own Strong Medicine

Knowledge is your most important medicine. Seek the truth about health in general and your own family’s health in particular. Adapt to your circumstances to maximize the healthiness of you and your family. Good health is an intentional, voluntary lifestyle.

My own idea about four pillars of human nature and holistic health care are:

  • Faith
  • Family
  • Nutrition and Exercise
  • Professional Career

We have to be mindful, practice and insure that we are thriving in each one of these vitally important facets of human nature and human health.

Every individual will have a unique ideal diet and unique health care requirements. Eat together with your family. Adapt your nutritional health initiative to your family’s circumstances, individually and collectively.

Take responsibility for your health and your families health. Study. Learn how to take good care of yourself and your family. Ask for help if you need it.

Spirituality, family values, nutrition and exercise and your professional career are the most important features of a truly holistic healing system. Exercise and nutrition are the yin and yang of your physical health. Religion and family values are the yin and yang of your mental, emotional and spiritual health. Practicing spirituality and family values in your professional career is another important feature of a high quality of life.

Setting up your family’s kitchen and having a healthy pattern of shopping, cooking and eating healthy whole food, together as a family, is one of the most important things you can do to improve our modern society. I’ve been studying natural healing and all the books are about cooking and eating healthy whole food, instead of processed food.

Whole grain, vegetables, fruit, nuts and a little meat is the basis of healthy human nutrition. Build your meals upon a foundation of great tasting salad; you can make them out of your favorite mixture of fruit, nuts and vegetables.

Whole grain is an important healthy ingredient that you can build a great meal upon. Wash the grain, then cook it, adding vegetables, some lean meat and spices to make it taste just the way you like it. Serve your food to make it look, smell and taste good. Make it a pleasant experience. Eat plenty of whole food. Your desire for the processed food will eventually fade away and disappear.

These ideas may seem obvious to many people, but my experience is that there are millions of people who are struggling to survive, and who are not in the habit of buying, cooking and eating good healthy whole food, together with their family.

If you do have pretty good nutritional habits, then good for you and keep up the good work. If not, then this is an area that you can work on improving yourself, to help you develop a healthy lifestyle, for you and your family.

It would help to have our commercial food suppliers supplying healthy fast food. It could be done easily. It is more expensive and the healthy whole food is worth the extra money.

Getting a reasonable amount of exercise is another important factor in our health. In the past I’ve gotten a lot of exercise at work. Stacking hay, working in the oil field, construction, and landscaping provide plenty of exercise.

Finding fun games to play that involve a lot of physical exertion is another good idea. Gardening is one of the best forms of exercise. You can do that for yourself and you can encourage your family to play together.

Investigate the truth about human nature in general, and you and your family in particular, and then use that knowledge for the benefit of your family and for all people everywhere. You should have a basic understanding of your family’s genealogy and the history of your tribe of human beings.

I hear that you can get a copy of your genome for less than $1000 right now. Get one for every member of your family. Get one for your children when they’re born, or even before then, along with a consultation about genetic predispositions and other unique health care issues that you should be alerted about.

Make sure you get an allergy profile for each member of your family. Many common diseases, especially mental illness, can be caused by or aggravated by food allergies that we’re not aware of.

Family values are a vital facet of holistic healing. The human family is an essential attribute of human nature and insuring that we have healthy families is an integral aspect of holistic healing, both for individuals seeking their own good health and for healing professionals seeking to assist other people to attain and maintain good health. Holistic healing works on healing individuals, families, local communities and our universal commonwealth.

Integrated medicine

Tai Chi and other forms of Qigong are good medicine. Integrate Qigong, Tai Chi and/or Yoga into your holistic healing and teaching system. Traditional Chinese medicine and Ayurvedic medicine, Celtic and Native American medicine are ancient and effective healing sciences that work best when integrated with our modern conventional medicine.

And there is no conflict between any of these spiritual exercises and any religion. Qigong is simply paying attention to and exercising your Chi. Chi is our life force. Perhaps it is soul or spirit or something else. It is whatever it is and the evidence is that, exercising these human capacities improves human well being.

Seek professional help if you want or need to. Professional healers spend years studying human nature and various aspects of healing human nature and they can assist you in developing your healthy lifestyle. They can also help you to heal any illness that arises in you, your family and your community. Most professional healers are honorable people, who get into the healing craft, because they want to help people.

Don’t use any of my arguments as an excuse to neglect any aspect of your health care. If you are sick, then seek the help of a well qualified doctor. The integration of traditional natural healing with our modern scientific medicine, is the best medicine.

Just remember, you are responsible for your health. Your doctor is responsible for practicing harmlessness and serving you. Doctors are teachers, that should be teaching patients how to live healthy, not leading them into any culture of dependence on doctors and drugs.

Modern medicine is one of the marvels of our booming world economy. Since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution in about 1750 or so, we’ve doubled the average life span of a human being. Take advantage of those modern health care resources.

Neuroplasticity and Neuro-Linguistic Life Coaching are modern health and wellness sciences. Hypnosis, Reiki, Shiatsu, Transcendental Meditation, Psycho-cybernetics, Brian Tracy’s Psychology of Success, Bill Harris’ Holosinc, the Dalai Lama’s Science of Mind and existential philosophy, etc., are a few of the many interesting ideas, at least in my opinion, about understanding and improving human nature and advancing human civilization. Our one common faith, the Baha’i Faith, is the foundation of a spiritual, healthy, holistic lifestyle.

I like Neuro Linguistic Programing [NLP] because working on the interface between the brain and the mind seems like the most effective strategy for healing our mental health. Language is the very nature of human consciousness. Faith in the Manifestation of God is the Chief Cornerstone of human consciousness.

Chiropractics is another good version of natural medicine to build your holistic healing upon. Our skeleton is the framework our body is built upon, so that’s a good place to start your health care. Acupuncture is another popular and effective treatment system.

Don’t try to accomplish any one of these techniques outside of a comprehensive holistic healing system, which includes both traditional medicine and modern scientific medicine.

Bibliotherapy, ie., reading books about healing ideas, is a great way to replace negative, insane and unhealthy attitudes; with relatively good, healthy ideas. I’m writing this story in order to help you to at least get started in your recovery, from whatever it is that you want or need to improve about yourself, your family and your community.

Healing Your Family

Develop a peaceful, healthy rhythm of cooking and eating together at home. The food and the conversation as a family are very primal facets of the human family, of human nature. Not having that experience, is a severe handicap for any human being.

A human family also requires both a father and mother. Not having either one of them during child development is a severe handicap. It is possible for single parents to raise healthy children when necessary; it is just never preferable to do it alone.

The psychological and social development of children requires intimate relationships with both mother and father. There is no equally healthy alternative. Any configuration of the human family, other than one man and one woman, with their kids and perhaps a few other relatives, and maybe even some adopted kids, is inferior to that family organized around the marriage of one man with one woman.

Having healthy relationships with our extended family is another very important facet of child development and for all people of all ages. Healing and protecting our families is one of the most vitally important facets of a truly holistic lifestyle and community.

Having good relationships with your parents, will help you get along well with your spouse and to raise your kids well. If you’re having problems with your spouse, consulting with your parents is one of the best ways to get through the difficulties. Skype and other such electronic communications can be used to consult with remote relatives. Living together, or at least near by, just makes it a lot easier and more natural.

It’s also good for your parents to have frequent healthy relationships with you and their grandchildren. Grandparents can be a significant help whenever one of the parents is missing. Brothers and sisters should also be involved in helping to raise their nieces and nephews. We should all respect our elders and seamlessly integrate these precious human resources throughout our universal commonwealth.

Its up to all of us to practice family values in our personal affairs and in our professional career. If we really want to make our society sustainable, we will focus on this one issue above anything, other than our faith.

The men in our society need to lead and protect and serve your families, not neglect, abandon or abuse them. Use your strength to protect society; rather than threatening, intimidating or corrupting it in any way. The women in our society need to nurture our families and remain loyal, equal partners with your husbands.

Healing your community

Baha’u’llah says that one world unity is the first step to solving all these social problems. Okay then, let’s get to work uniting the human race. I want to heal poverty and drug abuse and domestic violence and broken families.

East and west are growing together. So is the north and south. Asia is booming now. We’re all pouring resources into Africa. We’ll soon see what the African people will add to our universal commonwealth.

I figure that we’re going to develop a completely new alternative economic ecosystem, possibly a combination of capitalism and communism. Whatever you call it, it will be unlike anything that has ever existed on earth or in human consciousness. I think it will be spiritually inspired free enterprise, but that may just my Northwest American perspective..

I agree with the philosophy of Aikido, Ubuntu and harmony and other nonviolent means of resistance, such as Martin Luther King Jr, Nelson Mandela and Gandhi demonstrated. Take positive action.

We’re all responsible and accountable for creating a healthy and wealthy human nature and civilization. We’re making progress. The human race is growing together. Be the solution.

Imagine what this global civilization will produce when we all learn how to cooperate with each other, instead of competing with each other. The human race is one team. Holistic human being a good attitude and productive action. HomoSpeis is the next generation of human nature and civilization.