Making Video

One day, I decided to try to make a video with the equipment I have today and I’m happy to say that I was able to accomplish the task. It’s not a very great video and I will probably not keep it posted very long. Its just an example, to show you that you can do the same thing in your own holistic home office.

I made the video with my Samsung Note 9 smart phone. It was pretty easy to do. I’ve got it setting in a phone holder I have set up on my desk. It’s kind of too low, but there is no way to move it higher, for now. I’ll work on that. The video on my phone automatically uploaded to OneDrive. It took about a half an hour or so, because it is such a large file. Once it finished, I could access it from my desktop.

My Work Station
My Work Station

In order to make the picture for this story, I took the picture with the phone, waited a few minutes, and then opened it in Gimp on my computer. I resized it in Gimp and then exported it as a jpg with a new name. Then inserted the image in the story with the WordPress editor. When I closed Gimp I selected, “do not save changes,” so I have both the original picture and the new resized picture saved.

I put the picture and the video in a directory within the directory for this website project and then opened it up in Kdenlive. I watched the video in Kdenlive, but I did not edit the video. I don’t really know how to use Kdenlive, yet. That’s another item on my to do list.

I learned one thing about Kdenlive today. Do not just x out of it with a video in there. I tried to rename the file after I did that and the computer would not let me, because it was still open in Kdenlive.

Well, I had already closed Kdenlive. I opened it back up and the video was not there and there was no obvious way to close the video. After trying several different ways to close the video, I finally had to restart the computer before it would let me change the name of the file. Click on file and then exit to close Kdenlive properly.

Then, I threw the video up on YouTube. I just clicked on the camera with a plus sign in it and followed the process. There is a lot more work I have to do to properly set up a YouTube channel. But, I’ve got the video posted. It was fairly easy. Here it is:

Intro to Holistic Home Office

I’ve made another video to see if I could solve the problem of the narrow viewing frame created by the upright phone. I also set the phone on it’s side on a box at a higher position, so I am not looking down into it. It looks good on my computer’s video player. Let’s see how it works on the website. I also need to work on improving the volume of the audio.

Family and Freedom

I did use Kdenlive to cut the first few minutes of this video. I’m happy to report that the phone on it’s side idea works. The video displays just like I wanted it to. I’ll have to work on increasing the volume.

I think I’m a fairly good story teller. Of course, what I think is not so important. What you, the audience, thinks is important. My stories about family values and human nature and civilization are the holistic part of Holistic Home Office. I’ll be focusing on the business and the technology.

I figure that the best way to solve the income inequality problem is to teach poor people how to make money. That is an important part of the purpose of Holistic Home Office. You are the most imprtant part of your free enterprise. The technology is another important facet of this home office based free enterprise. Take good care of yourself, your family and your community; locally, nationally and globally. Peace and prosperity be with you all.

Photo by Bob Mccoy using Samsung Note 9
Video by Bob Mccoy using Samsung Note 9
Video by Bob Mccoy using Samsung Note 9