
Surprise is a good way to get your attention, to teach you to take responsibility for yourself, practice self determination and free enterprise. An attitude of superiority or inferiority, thinking you are more or less important than anyone else, is the root cause of all conflict and contention.

You should always be reading something. Your reading list should include only positive, uplifting, healthy stories. Be realistic, not naive. Pay attention to the whole truth about what’s going on around you. Just focus on the progress and solutions, rather than being obsessed by the problems.

Videos and interactive training materials compliment reading, they do not replace it. Reading and writing is one of the most primal teaching and learning strategies. Take advantage of that deep learning technology by reading from now on, for your entire life on earth.

The stories in this Holistic Home Office University roll along, with the ideas coming in waves. Expect some wide ranging and sometimes intensely forceful arguments and unexpected changes, to increase the penetrating influence of the ideas, in order to help you to activate your innate ability to heal yourself. Some of the ideas connecting religious history with archaeological evidence is hypothetical. Its all just my opinion.

The intersection of the brain and the mind and computer science and artificial intelligence is the best place to work on improving yourself and increasing your productivity. Computer science and artificial intelligence are the tools/weapons that you can learn to use, to increase your leverage in our natural world, just like our ancestors used sticks and stones. Make sure you use them to improve life on earth, not for selfish or destructive behavior.

Bibliotherapy is a good strategy for healing drug addiction, obesity, sexual disorders and other habitual and voluntary behaviors, because of the social stigma associated with those personality disorders. People can read the The HomoSpeis Hypothesis in private and at least, get a good start towards recovery from these devastating character traits.

I first used this strategy in my own recovery from drug addiction; reading all kinds of literature about addiction and recovery and human nature and civilization in order to replace the euphoric recall and the insane thinking I was experiencing. It worked! I’ve been clean for almost 30 years now.

You can use bibliotherapy to improve yourself and help others. Reading books, listening to audio programs and watching video programs to heal personality disorders and to change character traits, is one of the most effective ways to improve human nature and civilization. Surround yourself with good, healthy influences.

Internet based interactive programs are one of the most effective ways to change all kinds of habitual behaviors. I use Qigong and Herbal Wisdom, etc., to generate healthiness in, around and through me. I study the philosophy of the east and the west. I read the Sacred Writings of the Baha’i Faith every day.

Reading the Sacred Writings of your religion, your divine education, is an essential facet of holistic human nature and personal recovery. Seek help from a qualified holistic healer if you need it. Integrated Medicine, ie., a healthy balance of traditional natural medicine and modern scientific medicine, is the best medicine.

Here’s a Baha’i Prayer that I especially like, because it implies that no matter what our present circumstances are, we should always seek God and always strive to improve ourselves and help others.

“O Thou kind Lord! We are servants of Thy Threshold, taking shelter at Thy holy Door. We seek no refuge save only this strong pillar, turn nowhere for a haven but unto Thy safekeeping. Protect us, bless us, support us, make us such that we shall love but Thy good pleasure, utter only Thy praise, follow only the pathway of truth, that we may become rich enough to dispense with all save thee, and receive our gifts from the sea of Thy beneficence, that we may ever strive to exalt Thy Cause and to spread Thy sweet savors far and wide, that we may become oblivious of self and occupied only with Thee, and disown all else and be caught up in Thee.

“O Thou Provider, O thou Forgiver! Grant us Thy grace and loving-kindness, Thy gifts and Thy bestowals, and sustain us, that we may attain our goal. Thou art the Powerful, the Able, the Knower, the Seer; and, verily, Thou art the Generous, and, verily, Thou art the All-Merciful, and, verily, Thou art the Ever-Forgiving, He to Whom repentance is due, He Who forgiveth even the most grievous of sins.”

(Abdu’l Baha, Baha’i Prayers, p 23, 1954, 2002)

Obviously, repentance is necessary. We need to regret our harmful thoughts, words and deeds and strive to improve our attitudes and actions. You should be ashamed of yourself for harming yourself or anyone else.

Even people guilty of the most vile crimes, are complex individuals who have both good and evil features of their personality. Evil is harmful. There are evil thoughts, words and deeds. There are only precious human beings.

I’m not trying to excuse any harmful activity, I’m trying to prevent it, as much as possible, and to heal the harm caused, whenever it does happen. Locking people in a cage is appropriate in some circumstances. Most of the time, it just breeds more crime, disease and immorality.

Justice and compassion are the Yin and Yang of a fair, safe, clean and decent society.

Reading about healthy human nature is an effective component of a comprehensive recovery program. You can use this strategy in your personal recovery, or for changing any voluntary behavior or bad habits, in any way you want to.

Read about the solutions and sanity, not the insanity and the character defects. We already know about them. We need to learn about solutions; and how a sane person thinks and what healthy people do.

Reading, watching videos and listening to audio programs while you are exercising or listening to audio while driving to work are excellent ways to bring healthy, healing influences into your consciousness. Be mindful of the education and entertainment that you participate in. Listen to a good motivational speaker, rather than anything glorifying human perversity.

Neuro-scientists have discovered that there are networks of mirror neurons in our central nervous system that fire when we do certain behaviors and that also fire when we watch someone else do those same behaviors. We are social creatures and our relationship with the people, places and things around us, is hard wired into our brain.

Not only is our central nervous system designed to reflect our experience. It is also very plastic. We can use our mind, to heal our brain. If a part of our brain is injured, we can teach another part of the brain to do what the injured part of the brain normally does. That means that we can and we do, change the physical structure of our central nervous system through experience, education, socialization and communications.

Just like the universe, our brains are holographic. Our memory, knowledge, instincts and values are holographic imagination, spread out all over our brain.

That’s what the HomoSpeis Hypothesis story is all about. It is a holographic series of related stories designed to lead you through an intellectual adventure that is healing and liberating and moral and spiritual. It teaches you about your free agency, the personal responsibility, self-determination and free enterprise that are inherent capacities of human nature, which must be activated by education.

Blind imitation of other people’s ideas and opinions leads to mob rules, rather than healthy citizenship. Read this story as many times as you want or need to. It will help you discover your own free agency. And keep reading science, history, philosophy and religion; especially religious literature. Divine education is the most important facet of our education. It is indispensable and irreplaceable. You have to have a divine education, in order to be a healthy human being. There is no substitute.

The HomoSpeis Hypothesis is not a substitute for studying the sacred writings of your religion. The HomoSpeis Hypothesis is a scientific hypothesis about human nature and civilization. It is not a religion or a substitute for any religion. It is a holistic perspective of human nature and civilization. Science, history, philosophy and religion are all one subject to me.

Seek the truth. Focus on solutions. Avoid conspiracy theories. It doesn’t matter if the complaints are true. Back biting and fault finding are completely useless and destructive character defects.

Concentrate on solutions, not problems. If you focus your self-determination on developing solutions, the problems will atrophy away. “Use it or lose it,” is a feature of human nature in particular and biology in general. Just like lifting weights builds muscles, studying and practicing things, builds your brain and mind. It can work for good or evil, developing good or bad habits. It works in our personal development, as well as our social development.

Be mindful of your personal development. Be realistic and careful. Protect yourself from any danger. Just take positive action. Avoiding problems is almost impossible. The more you think about problems, the more you generate and attract them. You have to develop spiritual habits, in order to crowd out your bad habits. Focus on developing the spiritual habits. Do something new and healthy.

Reading this story will help you do that. I’m not an innocent person teaching you how to be perfect. I’m a very imperfect human being, striving to improve myself by helping you improve yourself. I want to make it easy to heal personality disorders and character defects, in order to heal myself, other individual human beings and human nature and civilization.

The HomoSpeis Hypothesis is probably not perfectly accurate about every detail. Its definitely not authoritative about anything other than my ideas, at the present time. It is a monumental story, an epic intellectual adventure, which will open your mind to a very accurate, optimistic and realistic worldview. You’ll still be a free agent servant of God, with your own ideas, opinions, personal responsibility and self determination. Its really just my own personal perspective of the truth about nature and spirituality.