Spiritual Awakening

While the American people were revolutionizing political culture and American settlers were pouring across America, monumental events were taking place in Iran. Not one, but two Manifestations of God appeared in Iran during the 19th century, revealing a whole new revelation of the Word of God, founding a whole new universal and divine civilization, unleashing a tidal wave of spiritual power, radiating out from Shiraz, Teheran, Baghdad, Constantinople and finally Akka and Mount Carmel in the Holy Land.

In America, Joseph Smith had been teaching people to, “Get ready, the return of the Son of Man is imminent.” Joseph was killed by a mob on June 27, 1844 and most of the Latter Day Saints ended up walking from Missouri to Utah to escape the persecution of the Mormon people.

William Miller had studied the Bible and done the math and figured out that Jesus Christ would return in 1844. His failure to appear, floating out of the sky on clouds, became the Great Disappointment. The people who were expecting Him then, founded the Seventh Day Adventist church.

Queen Victoria ruled the British Empire, The Hapsburg dynasty ruled the Austrian Empire in Central Europe, the Ottoman Empire ruled much of the lands around the Mediterranean Sea, Iran was ruled by the Shah of Iran. Tzars ruled in Russia, the British East India Company ruled India and the Qing or Manchu Dynasty ruled in China.

The Bab and Baha’u’llah are the Two Prophets, Who’s sacred remains are now present in the Holy Land of Israel. I’ve read a lot of religious literature and not only do they all mention in their own way, a universal Manifestation of God, Baha’u’llah either says or does something that fulfills every single prophecy in every religion in the world about the return of Jesus Christ, the Messiah coming in the Glory of God, the Tenth Avatar, the Matrieya Buddha.

1844 is the year 1 of the Baha’i calendar. The first day of spring is the new year, or Naw Ruz in Farsi. There are 19 months, with 19 days in each month, with 4 or 5 intercalary days from Feb. 26-March 1, depending on whether its a leap year or not.

Iran, the original human civilization, which was founded by Adam and destroyed by the flood and then founded again by Noah and His sons, has been transformed by waves of people migrating back and forth across the Earth. And now, Baha’u’llah, the Universal Manifestation of God, was born in Teheran and grew up in Iran and then exiled, first to Baghdad, then Constantinople and Adrianopolis and finally Akka, in the Holy Land.

Iran is the heart of the Indo-European language group, which has spread from Iran into India and Europe. Aryan, Slavic and Scythian peoples living on the steppe north of the Black Sea wandered into western and southern Europe, Persia and India, Siberia and even America, spreading Proto-Indo-European genes and the Indo-European language group around Eurasia and America.

In The Most Holy Book, The Kitab-i-Aqdas, The Book of Laws, Baha’u’llah fulfills the prophecy about Jesus Christ returning and ruling the world for a thousand years, by saying that the next Manifestation of God will not appear before at least one thousand years after Baha’u’llah. I hope and believe that Baha’u’llah is Who He says He is.

Baha’u’llah means Glory of God. He says that real freedom is recognition of the Manifestation of God and complete and permanent submission to His divine rule of law. He says that we should obey the laws of the nation we live in, and that we should not interfere with political leadership. The only exception is, we are not allowed to renounce our faith for any reason.

Being humble, submissive, servants of God is the solution to all the corruption in human nature and civilization, not selfish ambition, politics or any kind of competition, except maybe competition to serve mankind and to serve God.

The United States was spreading across America like a tidal wave. We were abolishing slavery and making other progress in human rights when Baha’u’llah appeared in Iran. Instead of harnessing and channeling our selfish ambition and competition into productive, rather than destructive activities, like the Americans have; Baha’u’llah is using divine education to transform our selfish ambition and competition into unity in diversity, cooperation and humble service to the Cause of God.

While all this social and economic development has been happening in the west, the Baha’i Faith has been spreading out from its birthplace in Iran and its spiritual headquarters in Israel. Other than Christianity, the Baha’i Faith is the most widespread of all religions.

When the Ottoman Empire was abolished after World War 1, Abdu’l Baha was released from prison and eventually traveled to Europe and America. He taught the Baha’i Faith in the west. The National Spiritual Assembly of the United States and Canada was founded in 1927 and became the model for all the other National Spiritual Assemblies.

The Guardian of the Cause of God, Shoghi Effendi, guided the Baha’is to spread out all around the world and teach the Faith. In 1963, the Universal House of Justice was first elected and is now the highest governing institution in the Baha’i Faith, other than God and the Sacred Writings revealed by Baha’u’llah.

The penetrating influence of the divine education that the people of Baha are teaching, is causing human nature to evolve and human civilization to converge into the, one universal and divine civilization promised in every religion.

Baha’u’llah is the divine Teacher. Reading the sacred writings of Baha’u’llah causes the mystical transformation of human nature and civilization, from arrogant selfish bullies, competing for food and shelter, to citizens of one universal and divine civilization.

As far as the idea of replacing the old world order with a wondrous new, World Order of Baha’u’llah goes, remember Jesus’ saying about how you can’t put new wine in old wine skins. Baha’u’llah says, He is rolling out a new heaven and earth, at the same time He’s rolling up the old heaven and earth.

Sometimes I worry about, is writing this story okay? I want to write the story, combining natural history and religious history. I just do not want to cause any trouble. I want to serve the Cause of Baha’u’llah, not harm it in any way.

I do not want to be seditious in any way, towards Almighty God’s authority over His Kingdom of God, the human race. I also do not want to harm myself or anyone else. I’m writing this story to heal human nature and civilization, not to harm anyone.

It’s my response to the argument about creation or evolution? I say that evolution is how God is creating human nature and civilization.

Transform your selfish ambition and competition into cooperation, service and unity in diversity. Make the world a better place. Do not litter and clean up after yourself. Help people get where they are going, every chance you get. Do not use drugs, unless a qualified doctor prescribes them.

Seek the truth. Investigate Baha’u’llah and the Baha’i Faith. It is the most great news, ever!