No Bullies Allowed

Anywhere on Earth

I watched a segment on NBC this morning [December 2009] about a 13 year old girl who committed suicide because her peers were persecuting her for sexting her boyfriend [Sending sexy pictures over cell phone]. I was living in a mission in Fort Collins Colorado at the time and started writing this story that day, on a computer at a county social services organization of some kind.

I suggested to the group of people I was watching the program with, that we, the people of earth, should execute a global campaign against bullying. They scoffed, saying it was not practical.

I also recently read a book titled, No More Bullies (Peretti, 2000), which mentions that the April, 1999 tragedy at Columbine High School in Littleton Colorado was a direct result of bullying. He also mentions this attitude that bullying is somehow normal and acceptable.

I suppose that bullying is fairly natural for small children. After all, humans are not born civilized, we learn how to be civilized by watching our parents and then academic education. They should be gently trained to practice justice in every detail of their own life. Oppression is the absence of justice. Justice is the absence of oppression. Bullying is not acceptable and we need to have a worldwide effort to stop it.

We can start by making sure that everyone in the world gets a decent education. Thankfully, we have an awesome educational ecosystem and armies of wonderful teachers and school administrators. We just need to improve and expand it and bring in all the people of earth and make sure no child is left behind.

Make sure they all get a free breakfast and lunch, to help eliminate poverty and to help create a healthy learning environment. There are plenty of resources to do this. Willingness to do it is what we need now. Along with trust, that the schools are teaching children the truth and not any counter revolutionary political propaganda.

The American Revolution abolished the idea of any ruling class. It did not simply replace the religious and the hereditary ruling classes, with a ruling class of rich people or a ruling class of well educated experts. It firmly established the sovereignty of all of the people.

This is important and has everything to do with bullying. Teaching students that their education makes them superior to other people, teaches them this competitive attitude of superiority and inferiority. Stop that right now!

Our schools need to be teaching kids how precious and noble every kid is. Now! Before any more of them are killed by tyrants created by our schools teaching people that their education and credentials and tenure give them authority to tell other people what to do in any circumstance.

Education is a good thing. Get as much education as you can. Just make sure that your education teaches everyone we are all equal. Be fair. Teach your kids to be fair.

Montessori schools are a great source of socialization. They allow kids to determine their own agenda, to a certain extent, of course. Schools can contribute to teaching kids a good work ethic. If you can’t afford to go to school, then read as much as you can.

Leadership is important and society will naturally organize itself into a stable social equilibrium, as long as the people are free and equal and all of our social and economic institutions are designed to enforce justice and protect our equality, free enterprise and private property, rather than forcing everyone into any artificial and usually monopolistic social hierarchies.

Don’t misunderstand me. I’m not opposed to education or credentials or big business or even government. I like modern civilization. Our material prosperity is unprecedented. I’m just pointing out that this one particular feature of modern civilization, the competition and the social hierarchies that arise from it, are primitive and barbaric forms of human consciousness. They are serious character defects and the primary cause of all the crime and war and suffering in human history. Selfish ambition is the darkside of human nature.

And we can improve human nature and civilization by leaving them behind. Teach every person how precious and noble every person is. Treat every human being with loving kindness and respect.

The Anti-Bully

And its not so much what the schools are teaching, which is causing this corruption of human nature and civilization, its what they’re not teaching. Our public schools are not teaching people about the most important feature of human nature and civilization, our faith.

Public schools insist on being a monopoly to teach kids one particular world view and they leave out the most important feature of human nature and civilization. In fact, they are teaching kids that there is something wrong with religion and spirituality. Teachers are forbidden to teach the kids about spirituality. There must be something wrong with it.

The street gangs and other criminals terrorizing human civilization are bullies. The big businesses that are interfering with our government of the people, by the people and for the people, and wreaking havoc in our natural habitat, are bullies. The American Medical/ Psychological/ Counselors Associations [AMA, APA and ACA], the doctors, lawyers and teachers who are acting like a diabolical new ruling class of human beings, are all different gangs of bullies.

Voluntary submission to the divine rule of law is the solution. We, the people of earth, need to bring all these prejudices out into the open, so we can reason with each other and learn to love and respect each other, instead of fearing each other. Start cooperating instead of competing with each other.

Practicing Islam, submission to God, is how we can turn our swords into plowshares. Your own personal Jihad is the most important feature of holistic healing. Jihad is your personal struggle to submit to Almighty God’s divine rule of law, instead of your own selfish ambition, your own animal passion. Hinduism and Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity and Islam and the Baha’i Faith are all the one common faith of all human kind.

I’m not suggesting that we should be forcing anyone to believe anything. In fact, this whole conversation about the relationship between all the different races, tribes and cultures of the people of earth, is all about bringing us all together into one universal fellowship, gently, gradually and peacefully.

We can and we should cooperate with each other. We’re all equal partners. God rules in every individual human heart. Jihad is practicing the 10 Commandments, the Eight Fold Path, its The Tao. Jesus Christ voluntarily allowed Himself to be beaten and crucified to death by the bullies of His generation, in order to demonstrate perfect cooperation and submissiveness.

I’m not suggesting that we should allow bullies to oppress us. I am not all that gentle. I grew up in a violent culture with a lot of screaming and yelling. I’ve been through years of therapy and a diverse assortment of programs to learn how to be calm, gentle, peaceful and fair and compassionate. I still lose my temper every once in a while. I have a contentious, irascible personality.

What I am suggesting is that we all get together and create this one United Nations and teach all the people of earth to love and respect one another and our natural habitat and spiritual reality. Converge into one universal commonwealth. And teach your children to love and respect all the people of earth, by example and by precept.

I like the classical liberalism of John Locke, Adam Smith, Thomas Jefferson and Friederich Hayek, etc. I think the state belongs to the people and its purpose is to serve and protect the people, our universal human rights and our private property. Almighty God is the only legitimate King of every human heart.

Baha’u’llah says that He is the King of kings and revealed detailed instructions about how to govern the Kingdom of God on earth. Kings and queens are authorized to govern our social and economic development. They are forbidden to interfere in our spirituality. Baha’u’llah says the Shah of Iran is the king of the world. He says nobody will want to be a king. I think that one thing that idea means is that the attitude of superiority, which is so popular these days, will be extinct during the Most Great Peace.

The Counter Revolution

Beware of the wolf in sheep’s clothing. The people who are very kind and loving and caring, but have no respect for the free agency of the people they’re trying to help. A polite insult is often far worse than a rude one.

On one extreme we have the materialistic hedonism, the scientific world view taught in schools, which proposes a mechanical universe in which life is an accident of chemistry and evolution, rather than the underlying purpose of nature. They propose that we human beings create ourselves and that we make our own rules. This is spiritual anarchy, a philosophy that has spawned a horrible nightmare world, terrorized by totalitarian dictators responsible for the murder of hundreds of millions of people.

On the other extreme is an equally radical and oppressive ideology that ignores or denies the existence of free agency. These are the clergy people who suppress the legitimate search for truth by their followers. They impose blind imitation of their own man made ideology by force, through the threat of violence, and often through actual violence. Christians burning witches or Muslims terrorizing civilization and executing people for insulting their religion, are examples of this insane, barbaric and criminal behavior. The clergy are not the only people who do this.

There is only one objective reality and every human being has a subjective perspective of it. That is the natural order of the universe.

Much of so called liberal philosophy is based on this ideology that insists, that there is no objective, natural law. It claims that we humans invent the rule of law and that the experts, educated in our academic establishment, ought to make the rules for everyone. And that the people need to be taken care of and herded around by this elite ruling class of well educated experts. That’s the counter revolutionary rule of man, not the rule of law established in the American Revolution.

Teachers unions are probably the most significant source of this condescending attitude. They’re aggressively promoting the materialistic ideology; and anyone who disagrees is labeled a quack and persecuted by armies of lawyers and shunned by society. I know this for a fact, because of the astonishing resistance to me working on my own private story telling business, because I don’t have credentials from a school and I don’t already have a record of success. Every successful author has had to start somewhere.

Notice all the censorship going on in our public square these days. Cancel culture is just another wave of tyrannical bullies coming out of our public schools and terrorizing human civilization.

Every school I’ve attended, which is not a lot, taught this philosophy that the education they are teaching, makes the people who have it superior to the people who don’t have it. The doctors, lawyers and teachers are the super race of leaders, that many philosophers have claimed to be natural, and schools have been teaching for centuries.

No sane human being will accept being herded around by any elite ruling class. God makes the rules. God, and only God, is the King of every human heart.

Gangs of Bullies

Social hierarchy is not sustainable. The natural law created by Almighty God, causes the free agency inherent in human nature. That divine rule of law will be expressed in human nature and civilization, just like the natural laws of physics and chemistry are expressed in the natural world.

More education does give people an advantage in society and I encourage you to get all the education you can get. All I’m saying is that rewards, advancement and leadership should be based on merit and justice, not on academic credentials or tenure or inheritance or any other institutionalized caste system.

Another thing is that, I’m not the only person who has noticed this counter revolutionary philosophy and objected to it. The truth is being taught on a global scale and from a variety of perspectives.

It just seems like our very influential academic establishment, at least in America, seems to be aggressively teaching this materialistic ideology, that science is the only legitimate source of truth. That humans invented God, to explain natural phenomena that we could not understand and that science will solve that problem, by the scientific method of investigation.

The scientific method of investigation is a good idea, as long as its used to serve people, not to confine us into any materialistic dogma, intellectual doctrines or artificial classifications of people, such as biologists, chemists or linguists.

Most doctors, lawyers and teachers have, of course, been educated within the system and are not even aware of the insulting, intellectual oppression that they’re teaching the people of earth. They just take it for granted that they’re educated and smarter than people who are not similarly educated, after all, that’s what they’ve been taught. Therefore, they should be respected and allowed to take care of the poor uneducated people.

I’m not trying to insult anyone. I’m telling you to stop insulting the people you’re trying to help. I’m writing about this issue in order to identify what I consider to be a very serious defect in human consciousness, a spiritual disease, a mental illness, that can and should be treated and healed. The attitude of superiority that our schools are teaching, is the most insulting attitude there is!

Doctors, lawyers and teachers are not only a significant cause of bullying, they are an absolutely vital facet of the solution to bullying. You have the skills, abilities and resources to actually do something about this. Use your expertise to serve and protect our personal responsibility and private property, our self determination and free enterprise, not undermine them.

There is an arrogant ideology embedded in western philosophy that is terrorizing human civilization right now. We can all work together to stop any particular minority of people, from insulting everyone else by enforcing a system of privilege, based on academic credentials or any other hierarchical system.

A lot of people are writing about this issue and our academic establishment is probably already taking actions to correct the problem. We’re making progress. I’m just pointing out my perspective of the problem and suggesting some solutions. Teach everyone to love God with all your heart, mind and soul; and to love each other exactly like you love yourselves.

Have you ever tried to understand the reasoning of the people who are so hostile towards western civilization? One time, I was watching a news program interviewing some Lebanese high school students about a conflict that was going on there. When one of them started explaining the root motivation of the conflict, from her point of view, the reporter cut her off and said that had nothing to do with the USA. I was very interested in what she was saying. I’ve heard many people, from all over the world, complaining about this arrogant cultural provincialism.

Its this materialistic and hierarchical world view that has been the root cause of the attitude of racial superiority that caused the holocaust and continues to insist on the right of a few people, usually determined by financial or educational status, to lord over and make the rules for all of the people. In the past, it was the hereditary dynasties and religious elite who made the rules, now its this academic establishment that has forced its way into the void left by the American Revolution.

After the American Revolution abolished the aristocracy and excluded the religious elite from interfering in our government of the people, by the people and for the people, our educational establishment has slowly been teaching people about a new, secular, elite ruling class, determined by academic credentials and tenure. I’m not sure whether the rich national socialists, who are using the system as leverage to amplify their advantage, or the teachers who are teaching the propaganda, are the source or the pawns.

I tend to blame the teachers more than the business people, because of the teacher’s responsibility to be the teachers of the next generation of human nature and civilization. That’s your job. And you are probably the most important segment of the solution.

If teachers would teach students that original American philosophy, classical liberalism, capitalist democracy and constitutional republic, we would transform earth into paradise within one generation. Instead, they’ve been teaching people that we’re all victims of capitalism and that the academic experts should be allowed to make the rules for everyone, because they are so smart. And of course, the teachers are being manipulated by the fascist oligarchy that has stolen and now owns the means of production, the government and the schools.

One example of how this counter revolutionary process has been accomplished is the death tax, forcing farmers to sell the farm they inherit from their parents to pay the taxes. Corporations came in and bought up all the farmland. Now, instead of being capitalist entrepreneurs who own the land, farmers are employees, working for corporations.

Its the alpha males and the uncivilized Darwinian competition and the survival of the fittest. This isn’t just a western phenomena either, it is fairly common throughout human civilization. We all can and should cooperate and use education and the rule of law, to completely and permanently purge this primitive and barbaric attitude of superiority or inferiority, out of human nature and civilization, to turn our swords into plowshares, to finally attain peace and prosperity, for everyone, everywhere on earth.

A Spiritual Solution

We, the people of earth, have a right and a responsibility, to create a safe, clean and decent society. It’s really odd that many people complain about how messed up our society is, and then when anyone mentions an idea about how to actually solve the problems, they scoff, protesting that either it’s not practical to try to solve the problems, or it’s somehow unethical or anti-Christian to advocate unity in diversity, and world peace and prosperity.

Mention world unity and peace and prosperity, and some people protest that it’s anti-Christian. What an outrageous perversion of the Word of God!

Religious bigotry is the anti-Christ!

Religious bigotry is one of the worst forms of bullying!

Thinking, and constantly proclaiming, that the people around you are going to hell if they understand God different than you do, is the most extremely sinister form of bullying. This mean, hostile attitude, in the name of Jesus Christ, is an insane perversion of Christianity. It was the religious bullies of His day who crucified Jesus Christ!

My acceptance into the Abha Kingdom is entirely up to God, not any human being, not even myself. I thank God from the bottom of my heart, that Jesus Christ is the Lord and Savior of every human being; past, present and future. I want to be saved by Jesus Christ. Islam, submission to God, is the inner essence of every true religion. I hope and believe that Baha’u’llah is the Manifestation of God for today. I understand that both, faith and works are required for personal salvation.

The one group of people, the Sadducee and Pharisees, that Jesus Christ often confronted, were the religious and academic elite, the people who had an attitude of superiority. Jesus took nonviolence and non-competition to the extreme of submissively allowing the people around Him to crucify Him. He didn’t complain about it and He actually had to restrain His Apostles from defending Him several times. He voluntarily sacrificed His life to atone for our sins and to demonstrate perfect, submissive service to God and to the human race.

Obey the laws of the land that you live in. We humans are just beginning to learn how to govern ourselves. Cooperate with each other and with the government. Keep teaching the Faith in order to make sure that the people who work for the government and the big businesses, are spiritual people who are motivated to serve and protect the people, rather than lording over us and controlling us. This is how we will gradually transform our military industrial complex, into a global, spiritually inspired social and economic development ecosystem.

Every revelation of the Word of God condemns the attitude of superiority. And trying to exalt yourself over the people, is the one thing that will get you in very serious trouble in the Baha’i Faith.

I always figured that if an antichrist actually ever does get control of our government and our computers, he or she will eventually die of old age, just like the rest of us and human civilization will go on thriving in waves of progress from now on. The truth always shines through. We can cover the light temporarily with our selfish ambition, but the divine light naturally polishes the mirrors upon which it shines. And it is always shining.

Be the Solution

The way to start healing this selfish ambition is to start educating people about human nature and moral and spiritual reality. The education starts at home with parents loving and caring for each other and for your children.

This issue has very personal significance for me. My father left when I was two years old. My first step father beat my mother. I am barely alive right now, trying to survive that devastating developmental experience. I remember trying to pull my step dad off of my mother one time, when I was 5 years old or so.

We, the people of earth, have got to stand up and say, once and for all, that all this bullying and oppression has got to stop, in all of its forms, everywhere in the world. We can use our spectacularly advanced education and communications science and technology, to completely and permanently purge this insanity out of human nature and civilization.

Disarming the people is just another form of bullying. Taking our unalienable and universal human right to self defense is crazy. And its primarily doctors, lawyers and teachers who are advocating taking people’s weapons away from them. You should know better. You should be aware that disarming the public is one of the most common and obvious features of every tyrannical government in history.

Guns are machines, which have no will. A gun can not kill anyone. People kill each other, primarily because of a lack of respect for each other’s free agency. An attitude of superiority or inferiority is an insult to any sane human being.

Most violent crime is caused by people thinking they are more important than other people, which is an insult and a violation of the freedom, equality and justice of any sane human being.

Values education is the solution to bullying and we should be pursuing it at all levels of society; at home in our families, in our religion, our schools and governments, and in our businesses and other social organizations and institutions.

One of the main reasons I’m writing this story is to teach you to always practice spirituality in every detail of your life. Practice family values at all times and under all circumstances, not just on Sunday or Holy Days.

Freedom of conscience, freedom of speech, the right to bear arms and the right to self defense, along with world unity, selfless service and cooperation are some of the values that our schools need to be teaching. Stop teaching the counter revolutionary sedition against American values.

Privatize everything, other than law enforcement and other emergency first responders. Get our schools out of the government. Let people choose their schools and their teachers. Government can subsidize education without controlling it. We established our government to serve and protect us, our private property and our free enterprise, not to control us.

I grew up on a farm. I’m familiar with animal husbandry and taking care of animals. Every time I get around government institutions or even a lot of these non-profit social programs or big businesses, it reminds me of herding animals through the corrals, so we could give them their shots and brands and other animal husbandry processes.

Teach people personal responsibility, self-determination and free enterprise. Teach everyone gun safety and respect for all life on earth. Don’t take away our weapons. We might need them to defend ourselves from a big cat, a bear or a bully. And especially, don’t take away our freedom. All kids ought to have to complete a gun safety course, a drivers education and a parenting curriculum, in order to graduate from high school.

One of the most diabolical forms of bullying that I’ve witnessed, is this tendency of some people to attack animals. I’ve seen people try to kill cats, dogs and rabbits with their cars, etc. I suppose this is a result of some primitive instinct to capture food. I usually try to kill most insects that are getting too close.

Being cruel to animals is a pretty serious character defect that we can and should purge out of human nature and civilization. The way we treat animals in our agricultural industry is another serious issue that we all should consider.

I don’t have any objection to eating meat. I eat meat almost every day. I do have a problem with containing these animals in cages, in which they cannot move and they live in their own sewer. This is cruel and inhumane and we, the people of earth, can and should do something about it. We can develop our agriculture and figure out how to raise livestock, without being cruel to them.

And keep in mind that the one thing animals have in common with people, is that they feel. They don’t think. They just feel. Thinking is a function of language and the uniquely human prefrontal cortex. Our executive decision making faculty is located in our prefrontal cortex. Animals do not have a prefrontal cortex or an executive decision making faculty. Animals always follow their own instincts, they do not reason with each other at all.

Serve and Protect the people

We should never tolerate bullies, either personally, or socially.

America needs to be steadfast in its stand for real free enterprise, equal opportunity, and justice for all people everywhere. Being rich and powerful is a blessing the American people have earned. What we do with that prosperity and strength, will determine whether we deserve to keep it.

We, the people of earth, should not permit any one family, tribe or nation to dominate humanity, including the United States. We need the USA to get its armies back inside the United States. Their mission has been accomplished. Their mission is to defend democracy and human rights, not to create any empire.

It’s time to let the nations of the world govern themselves. Right now, the presence of our armies in foreign countries is a manifestation of the very problem they’re intended to prevent. And they’re attracting the hostility of people all over the world.

The USA needs to trust the people of earth. I agree that there are still a lot of bullies out there, and we need to be prepared to defend ourselves against them. I just think that our large military presence all over the world is making the problem worse, not solving it. I also believe that the human race is not going to allow any bullies to dominate us, ever again.

We need the United Nations to police the world, not the United States. Perhaps we should sell our Army, Air Force and Space Force, Navy and Marine Corp to the United Nations, keeping our National Guard and Coast Guard for homeland defense. Of course, all nations would have to do that together, at the same time, in order to be fair. Just do it!

Unite all the people, of every nation, race and religion into one universal and divine civilization. No more crime, war, disease or poverty. The Baha’i Faith is the only real permanent solution to all these social problems. It’s the one common faith of all human kind, the framework that holds the whole structure of human civilization together.

Be the solution. Be kind, friendly and polite. Love and respect each other. Do what is most profitable for yourself and for everyone else. Serve God, and the entire human race, not only yourself.

Live and work in harmony with our natural habitat, and clean up after yourself if you do accidentally pollute our biosphere. And for God’s sake, don’t litter. What a lazy and disgraceful character defect.

Eat good healthy whole food, not processed food. Participate in good, healthy and uplifting exercise and entertainment, not the sexual immorality, drug abuse and violence. Practice harmony in your personal relationships and in our international relations.