
Making videos is another skill you you will develop in yourself and your holistic home office. Get yourself a decent camera and microphone and start telling stories. Recording your screen is more valuable than recording yourself. Most artists record their screen with a small video of themselves within the larger video of the screen they are recording.

Practice telling stories. The content of your stories is the most important factor. Your style of telling the stories is also important and the look and feel of your website is important. Work on improving all three of these important factors.

Making Video

Get started creating videos for your holistic home office based art studio. You can use your smart phone, laying it on its side, to make the video have the same geometry as your phone. Eventually, you get a video camera and microphone and get your video production studio set up.


My first complex video production project, using my Samsung Note 9, Kubuntu and Kdenlive to make a short video about making videos and Using Linux.