Market Research

Market research is investigating the market you are trading in. Who is your audience? Planning and executing your ideas and trading goods and services to create trades that satisfy you, your customer’s and your community’s objectives.

Your products and/or services need to satisfy some unfulfilled need and desire to buy. Design your marketing system to let your potential customers know about you and your products and services. Attract attention.

Marketing Plan

How are you going to teach your prospects that they can benefit from your products and services and then lead them to your most wanted response? Your most wanted response is what you want your prospects to do. Do you want them to read your stories or watch your videos? Or do you just want them to buy the products and services you are selling?

Your marketing plan is the heart of your business. Its a map of your strategies to attract customers. Your sales plan will help you convert the prospects that your marketing plan attracts, into customers.

Identifying your target market. What is the best way to communicate with them? Business cards, coffee mugs and wearing close that promote your company is one way to shine brightly for your own free enterprise. Social media is another way to promote your business.

Outline your pricing strategy, describe your distribution system, develop a promotion strategy, review your competition and prepare a marketing budget. Write this stuff down. It’s just like your goals and plans. Writing them down will help you guide yourself to work efficiently and not waste sa lot of time on unproductive activities.

Target marketing gets the most return on investment. Segmenting your customers geographically is specializing in serving the needs of customers in a particular geographical area. Segmenting your market by customers means identifying people who will most likely buy your products and services, and then targeting your marketing activities toward that class of people.

The right price is critical for maximizing sales and profits. Higher prices usually mean lower volume. If you’re in network marketing you will not have to worry about setting the price, but you will have to probably have to be prepared for your prices being relatively expensive.

Network marketing companies usually have good training. The quality of the products is usually good. Change your attitude. Those prices are reasonable because they are high quality products , the training and support you get from your team will add tremendous value to your business, and you are earning more income from your business than you ever have working for someone else.

My favorite feature of network marketing is that, the more people you help succeed in the business, the more successful you are. Spend a lot of time at the training. Find out what the system is and get to work living the network marketing lifestyle. I’m not a big fan of sales hype. Just get used to delivering the message in your own style. Talk to your upline and have them help you with your marketing plan.

Study the company. Become an expert on the company and the products and services. This is true in network marketing or any other business you may be involved in. Be a high performance associate of whatever business you are involved in.

Use Vistaprint to get your business cards and other sales and marketing paraphrenalia. Be prepared to pass them out, whenever you get a chance. If someone asks you what you do for a living, tell them about your business. You can mention your job if you have one, but focus on your busness.

Bring up the subject of your business gently and naturally. Materialistic hedonism and high pressure sales tactics will make everyone uncomfortable. You want your audience to be comfortable trading with you.

The Holistic Market

Have a holistic world view. Understand the idea of supply and demand. Be mindful of the supply chains involved in producing and delivering your products and services, from resource extraction, through manufacturing, delivering, consumption and recycling. Because our population is exploding, we’re going to have an explosion of demand along with an explosion of supply.

Business Mac

Consumer society is a good thing. We need to produce plenty of food and shelter for every human being to thrive. We need universal, free and open source education. We need to produce a thriving world market, with free and fair trade. Find a niche for yourself and cultivate your expertise and trade that expertise in our one, world wide, universal commonwealth.

Free and open source everything is putting downward pressure on prices. The spread of prosperity around the world is also going to put downward pressure on prices. Our booming world economy will naturally involve a massive increase in both supply and demand for everything.

Consumption is putting upward pressure on prices, but the unprecedented increase in productivity that modern education and technology are producing, is flooding our world wide free marketplace with everything human minds can imagine and robotic factories can produce.

The whole universe is made out of natural resources. There is no shortage of natural resources. Commodity prices may go up or down. The value added to the natural resources is the private property that we can trade.

You may develop a very unique and specialized product or service. Or you might sell a wide variety of products and services. You could supply a generic product with exceptional service. Your product name, packaging, warranty and other factors are decisions you will make in the development of your marketing plan.

Develop a realistic marketing budget based on facts. Your marketing budget will be a line item of your operating budget.

Make sure your marketing efforts are effective. Measure the performance of your marketing activities. Is your company customer-oriented? Are your customers satisfied? Keep tracking the effectiveness of your marketing strategy and tactics.

Market Research

You can do some market research using the Internet. Develop a simple customer survey. Look at maps, displaying various kinds of demographic information about your target market.

Economic development agencies, trade groups, Meetups and Toastmasters groups, etc., are resources you can use to gather information about your target market and promulgate information about your company and your products and services.

Forest Path

Identify your target market by location, age, gender, education, income and interests. Study and learn everything you can about your customers. Your marketing plan should clearly identify and describe your products and services, as they relate to satisfying the wants and needs of your customers.

Stay focused on solving your customers problems and fulfilling their wants and needs. Free stuff is attractive. Its a good idea to offer something valuable for free, to attract people to your website or store. Free samples have historically produced great results.

Develop a strategy that uses a variety of media to promote your business. Monitor which promotional activities produce the best results. Promotion refers to the various ways you promote your product, brand or company, such as advertising, sales promotion and publicity.

Practice writing sales copyrighting. Get really good at telling stories about your business. Build your own WordPress, Django or Drupal website to promote your products and services. Learn how to use social media wisely.

Affiliate marketing on your website full of entertaining education is one way to cultivate a stream of income. Search engine optimization is a tool you can use, which involves designing your website to be selected early in the list of results of various search engines. Work on getting links to your website on the first page of searches.

Fulfilling your customer’s orders

Location, place and distribution refer to how you get your products or services to your customers. It will be more labor intensive and expensive to deliver physical products.

That’s okay. UPS, FedEx and other such transportation companies are making it fairly inexpensive to ship products all over the world.

Business Coffee

Most network marketing companies will ship the products directly to your customers. So, not only do you usually have no control over the price, you also do not have to worry about shipping.

Your online presence is going to be important. You or your spouse or one of your children, who likes to tell stories, ought to be working on developing an attractive, entertaining and functional website. One or several of you can be writing a blog about your business. Educate your audience about your business, the technology, products and services, or even the art that your business supplies.

If you’re self-publishing books, then companies like Ingram Spark, BookBaby and Lulu will teach you how to publish books online and also take care of shipping your books to your customers. While it takes time and expertise to produce digital information, once it is produced, there is a very low cost to deliver it to as many people as you can.

At first there will be virtually no cost to send your digital information. When you start selling millions of copies of something, your Internet Service Provider (ISP) will probably start charging you for commercial services, which is a good thing, because you’ll want those services to securely protect your financial transactions.

Add Value to Your Customers and Your Community

Success in business comes from satisfying customer needs and providing excellent customer service. Survey your customers, to find out what they like and dislike about doing business with you. Ask them how you compare to your competition and how can you improve your business to better serve your customers.

Follow up on your sales. Ask your customer about their experience trading with you. Make improvements based on what they tell you.

Write articles about topics that add value to your community and mention your company in the stories. Small businesses often get free advertising from local newspaper articles that support the community, while mentioning the company. An advertisement disguised as an article will never get published. Write a story that is educational, entertaining and valuable.

Free seminars are another good way to develop your business. Educate your customers. Entertain us. Make sure you give people an easy way to buy your products.

Good signage is another good way to attract attention. Observe and listen to your customers. Study your competition. Stay alert, watch for new trends. Look for weaknesses. Practice what works, over and over again.

Make sure everyone gets a good deal trading with you.

Photo by wakila, iStock
Photo by Serpstat, Pexels
Photo by Bob Mccoy, Canon EOS Rebel SL2
Photo by Anna Nekrashevich, Pexels