Waves of Progress

Counter Revolution

During the 20th century, another mastermind group (Hill, 1937), like the one that created the United States in the first place, has managed to transform this nation of farmers, blacksmiths and shop keepers, into a nation of employees. Henry Ford, Thomas Edison, the Rockefellor’s, Carnegie’s and Morgan’s, etc., created giant companies, collective enterprises that have transformed our culture and economy, creating an unprecedented wave of material progress.

I’ve heard that certain bankers and industrialists, rejected Nikola Tesla’s ideas about harnessing earth’s electrical field and the machines he designed to do that, because they could not put a meter on it and charge people for the energy.

“Thou hast enquired about the warning We gave to the people at the time of Our departure from Iraq to the effect that when the Sun disappeareth from sight, birds of darkness will be in motion and the standards of Samiri [The maker of the Golden Calf, Quran 20:87-98] will be reared high. I swear by God! Those birds have stirred in these days and Samiri hath raised his clamour. Well is it with him who recognizeth and is numbered with men of understanding. We have also warned them against the appearance of the calf. God is My witness! All our warnings have come to pass, as indeed, they are bound to, inasmuch as they have been issued from the fingers of glory and might. Beseech thou God to protect thee from the mischief of these men and to purify thee from the insinuations of the froward.”

(Baha’u’llah, Tablets of Baha’u’llah, p. 190)

Our Christian symbols are being erased from our public discourse. Perhaps that is one of the things that the capitalized Sun in that saying refers to. There’s also the fact that the Babi and Baha’i Faith have been violently suppressed and very few people even realize it exists. All the previous Manifestations of God are like the Stars of heaven. Baha’u’llah is like the Sun rising. The Sun and the Stars are all radiating the same light.

There is no more important news than the return of Jesus Christ and the establishment of the Kingdom of God on earth. How is that not front page news on every news channel.

The censorship that some states and corporations are promulgating is probably an example of the “Sun disappeareth from sight,” Political correctness and cancel culture is an assault on free speech and the freedom of conscience that western civilization is based on.

Then there is the bronze bull on wall street. The golden calf has grown up into a bronze bull. That early 20th century mastermind group, hijacked American civilization and gathered all the people into these giant corporations that have been violating our universal human rights, interfering with our government of the people, by the people and for the people, and wreaking havoc in our natural habitat.

Using money as a tool to facilitate trade and industrial corporations to produce an abundance of food and shelter, seems like reasonable solutions to our economic problems. Private ownership of the means of production seems to be working fairly well.

Creating giant monopolies and suppressing alternative solutions and suppressing access to natural and economic resources, in order to funnel a majority of the world’s wealth into the possession of a tiny minority of the people of earth, is a monumental corruption of our world economy.

Employees should own the company you work for. Make sure you get that profit sharing check. Make sure any people who work for you, are safe and well paid. Treat your employees like they are your brothers and sisters, because they are your brothers and sisters.

The people who have studied and tried to develop the means for people to access and use the zero point energy, the aether, the one unified field, have been violently persecuted, bullied and intimidated into abandoning their efforts. Big business has bought and stolen patents and technology that would easily supply as much free energy as anyone wants or needs.

I have been harassed and bullied and intimidated by people for practicing free enterprise and writing this story, instead of getting a job working for the new ruling class, the doctors, lawyers and teachers with all their magnificent credentials and tenure.

The zero point energy is the same energy that causes lightning storms to happen all over the earth. There are always lightning storms going on somewhere on earth. Tesla and many other scientists and engineers have designed machines that can harness that energy, to energize our habitat for humanity. Certain national socialist monopolies are suppressing that technology, apparently to preserve their monopoly, their advantage, supplying the dirty and expensive hydrocarbons, to fuel our internal combustion engine powered economy.

Selling natural resources in order to earn capital to invest in developing the natural resources is a good idea. However, real capitalism abhors monopolies. The monopolists are not capitalists. They’re national socialists, who use the government and other institutions to compel people to trade with the privately owned monopolies. Its the discredited company store business model, where everyone is forced to trade with a gang of criminals, in order to buy food and other necessities of life.

This counter revolutionary, suppression of free enterprise and freedom of conscience, free and open access to the unlimited energy the universe is made of, the natural healing systems, the free and open source software, free and open source education and other natural and holistic social and economic development ecosystems, which cannot be patented or metered so that we have to pay for them, is one of my biggest complaints about American culture and civilization.

Just look at the hysterical response to the Covid19 pandemic. Several generic drugs have been discovered that work very well at healing Covid19. The American Medical Association and the news media have been acting like we’re trying to poison people by using an inexpensive generic drug. They want us to use extremely expensive, patented drugs, designed to heal only this one particular disease.

Private property has metasticized into a cancer that is destroying human nature and civilization. The private property is not the problem. Its the people who are using the private property, like some kind of monster that gets pleasure by causing other people pain, using our own nerves and blood vessels to pull us into the trap.

I figure the sense of superiority is the primary motive. It’s not the money. They already have more money than they can possibly spend. It’s the sense of sovereignty over other people. God make the rules. God is sovereign over everyone and everything in the universe. No bullies allowed, anywhere in the universe.

The New World Order

One good thing the 20th century industrialists managed to accomplish, is to expand the idea of federalism, applied so successfully by the founding fathers of the USA, to a global scale in the form of the United Nations. The United Nations is a more perfect union, in my opinion; more cooperative and less competitive than the American model.

We’re expanding the idea of Manifest Destiny, creating one big nation instead of a whole bunch of little nations fighting each other. We’ve already established racial harmony, gender equality and peace and prosperity for all people everywhere as the cultural values of this global federation of self governing nations. Of course, we have a long way to go to get them perfectly expressed.

Most of the people of earth are spiritual. The United States will go on being a big, rich and powerful nation. Probably not a superpower dominating human civilization, like we were briefly, during the second half of the 20th century. Just big, powerful and wealthy and one of the most spiritual nations.

Religious fundamentalists of all stripes are giving religion a bad name. Civilized human beings do not want to be associated with any ideology that espouses terrorism or persecuting people who do not agree with you, and rightly so.

2 billion Christians, 2 billion Muslims, 1 billion Hindus and a billion Buddhists will make sure any global civilization is a truly spiritual civilization. And besides, when God says be, it is. The Most Great Peace will come. It is inevitable, unstoppable.

Cycles of Cycles

This is all probably as it should be, considering my hypothesis that the American Revolution and the explosion of technological innovation accompanying it, is the last 250 year cycle of the agricultural/ imperial age of human nature and civilization.

You know? The 72 year cycle between great depressions (Dent, 2012), the 250 year cycle of the rise and fall of civilizations and the 5125 year cycle of the Mayan Calendar (Arguelles, 1987), which just about contains the imperial age and they are all converging on the present time.

Build hundreds of thousands of schools all over the world. Educate every child alive on earth. Teach every human being the same language, so we can all understand each other. Teach everyone reading, writing, arithmetic and religion. The conflict and contention about religion, is caused by a lack of education about the spirituality inherent in human nature.

Keep building our increasingly sustainable habitat for humanity. As spectacular as our big cities are, we still have a lot of slums all over the world. I figure that the millions of people living and working in all those vast cities all over the earth, can work together to figure out how to produce enough food, shelter and clothing for all the people of earth.

Its the moral and spiritual education of the people that will make any civilization sustainable. Without that moral and spiritual education, no civilization is sustainable.

Make it easy for people to earn a living, instead of forcing people to work hard to make a tiny minority of people prosperous, while the vast majority of people, who actually produce the prosperity, struggle to survive.

Start by teaching everyone the Baha’i Faith. Instead of complaining about the corporations and other institutions oppressing people, teach everyone the Faith and they will transform those corporations into spiritually inspired institutions.

Teach everyone about world unity and global citizenship. Use our military industrial complex to serve and protect our private property, self-determination and free enterprise. Unleash the creative freedom of the people of earth. Release the natural resources, the zero point energy and natural healing science and technology, the free and open source software, education and health care.

The United States has been very instrumental in the creation of the United Nations and it’s time for the United Nations to start accomplishing great things. Developing easy inexpensive access to an unlimited supply of energy would certainly be a revolutionary episode of creative destruction, suddenly replacing our hierarchical, military industrial complex with a network of individuals, families and small and large free enterprises, working in harmony with each other and our natural habitat, in one worldwide federation of self governing nations, one universal commonwealth.

Own the company you work for. Make sure you get that profit sharing check. If its not practical to actually own the company you work for right now, then invest in the stock market. Do your research. Invest in the market, don’t gamble with it.

Start investing while you’re young, so that your investment will return enough income for your retirement. Invest in India and China, they’re the biggest richest nations on earth right now, along with the United States.

We, the people of earth, are cultivating an organic universal commonwealth in which corporations serve the people, instead of herding us around like domestic animals, manipulating us into this culture of dependence on one particular monopolistic form of education, materialistic health care, energy and production.

Teamwork is one of the features of human nature and civilization that makes us so successful. Just think what our economy will be like, when everyone in the world is striving to cooperate with everyone else, to serve each other and make the world a better place.

We may have to go through another wave of violent upheaval to finally get to that Most Great Peace promised by Baha’u’llah. I hope we can make the transition from this Lessor Peace we’re in the midst of, the United Nations, which is the richest, greatest civilization in human history, to the Most Great Peace gradually and peacefully.

I like human civilization. I don’t want our cities to be destroyed. They’re our 21st century pueblos. I don’t want any more wars. I want to add value to our world economy. I want to make the world a better place.

One World Unity

And now, we’re creating the United Nations, a more perfect union that includes the entire human race. World peace is the primary purpose of the United Nations. We, the people of earth, want peace on earth, as soon as possible.

In about 1912, Abdu’l Baha said that both the Lessor Peace and the Most Great Peace would be firmly established during the 20th century. (Abdu’l Baha, 1912) The United Nations was founded in 1945. The Universal House of Justice was founded in 1963.

Both of these sacred institutions are influencing human nature and civilization in very profound ways; in a symbiotic relationship between the institutions and humanity, individually and collectively, as well as with earth’s biosphere.

We’ve used our military industrial complex, developed in response to several world wars and the Cold War, to help establish this United Nations. Between World War II and about 1980, the USA and the USSR controlled much of the world with military governments and our businesses ran roughshod over many small nations throughout the world.

We need to make amends for any harm that has been caused by our governments and our businesses. We’ve already made a lot of progress. Democracy, human rights and free enterprise are spreading around the world in waves of social and economic development progress.

In order to have a well regulated global economy, we need a world government, to enforce the rule of law in our international relations. Freedom is lawful, not lawless. An international rule of law is necessary to establish and maintain free trade on earth.

The human race is growing together. These ancient and more recent civilizations are clashing, because they are coming together. Check out the Olympics. The Internet is one giant worldwide computer, that anyone can communicate with and use with an immense variety of applications. Modern Aircraft can fly from anywhere on earth to anywhere on earth, non-stop, without refueling.

During the 1980s, President Reagan and President Gorbachev were negotiating about limiting each nation to 35,000 nuclear weapons. President George W. Bush was talking about keeping 2500 nuclear warheads. President Obama talked about keeping 1200 nuclear warheads. That’s a fairly dramatic disarmament.

China is emerging from centuries of oppression and backwardness, into a modern industrial power house. Another wave of spiritual influence is radiating out from India. South America is starting to lead the way in our free and open source ecosystem.

The Dalai Lama is one of my favorite contemporary characters, and like Pope John Paul 2 and Reverend Billy Graham, a very excellent spiritual teacher for our generation of human nature and civilization. Pope Benedict wrote a couple of pretty good books about Jesus that I enjoyed reading. Apparently, the new Pope Francis is turning out to be another great spiritual leader. And the Baha’i Faith is becoming more widespread and well known.

“Concerning the proceedings for this world gathering, ‘Abdu’l-Bahá, the son of Bahá’u’lláh and authorized interpreter of his teachings, offered these insights: “They must make the Cause of Peace the object of general consultation, and seek by every means in their power to establish a Union of the nations of the world. They must conclude a binding treaty and establish a covenant, the provisions of which shall be sound, inviolable and definite. They must proclaim it to all the world and obtain for it the sanction of all the human race. This supreme and noble undertaking—the real source of the peace and well-being of all the world—should be regarded as sacred by all that dwell on earth. All the forces of humanity must be mobilized to ensure the stability and permanence of this Most Great Covenant. In this all-embracing Pact the limits and frontiers of each and every nation should be clearly fixed, the principles underlying the relations of governments towards one another definitely laid down, and all international agreements and obligations ascertained. In like manner, the size of the armaments of every government should be strictly limited, for if the preparations for war and the military forces of any nation should be allowed to increase, they will arouse the suspicion of others. The fundamental principle underlying this solemn Pact should be so fixed that if any government later violate any one of its provisions, all the governments on earth should arise to reduce it to utter submission, nay the human race as a whole should resolve, with every power at its disposal, to destroy that government. Should this greatest of all remedies be applied to the sick body of the world, it will assuredly recover from its ills and will remain eternally safe and secure.” (The Promise of Universal Peace, UHJ, p12, 1912)