Wandering Around Earth

An American Perspective

Patriotism is a good attitude. I can’t really write a complete story about holistic human nature and civilization without mentioning the United States and the American Revolution. The USA is my favorite nation and the United Nations is the richest greatest civilization in human history. I encourage you, no matter what nation you live in, to be a patriot of your town, your nation and the whole human civilization.

I’m not talking about the name United States either, or any particular man made institutions. I’m talking about the idea that all men are created equal. That the people are sovereign and the state is a service owned by the people. I am also talking about the land of North America, between Canada and Mexico, the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and the people who live here.

Just because we’re rich and powerful and successful doesn’t mean we’re wrong or evil. We’ve earned our prosperity and our military strength, working fast, working smart and working safely. We’ve taught the world democracy and human rights and now, we need to withdraw and let the global federation of self-governing nations, which we helped to establish, govern itself. Participate as an equal partner, not a superpower.

While I have read a lot of Vedic literature and Chinese philosophy, I was born and raised in North America. So naturally, I have an American perspective. I believe that everyone should be a patriot, no matter what nation you are born into.

I remember Sunday School at the Mormon and the Methodist Churches. I remember watching a Nativity Scene in a Christmas play, in a packed 15,000 seat stadium in Arvada Colorado, with live animals on stage, including an elephants and camels. There were people dressed up like angels, hanging from the ceiling and flying around the room. I remember celebrating Mass with Pope John Paul 2, at Cherry Creek State Park in Denver one time.

Americans are a very spiritual people. Always have been, probably always will be. Love and respect your family. Love and respect your tribe and your nation. Love and respect the entire human race, individually and collectively.

The American race is a rainbow colored race. Native Americans are born in America. There are native Americans with ancestors from every nation, race and religion on earth. When I recently moved back to the city again and started hearing all this talk about race, I’m like, what are you talking about? Don’t you know that all men are created equal? That all men and women are equal partners in this adventure of life on earth?

My father’s side of my family is Celtic and Viking, my mother’s side of the family is Anglo-Saxon. I understand that the Angles and Saxons did the same thing to the Celts in Britain, that we’ve done to the Native Americans here in the USA, ie., turned us into a minority in our own country.

Back then, they used swords and battle axes. In America, we used guns and biological weapons. We’re all just people, wandering around earth, looking for new hunting grounds and farmland and other natural resources.

I’m not excusing any violations of anyone’s human rights or saying anything negative about my big brothers, the Native Americans, I’m just defending my British ancestors, against a disturbing racist hostility that seems to be increasingly popular these days. I’ve even heard white people say, “I hate white people.” Well, I object to that racist attitude.

I love all the people of earth! I love the cowboys and the Indians, the USA and the United Nations. I’m a nationalist and a globalist. I am an earthling.

Being rich and powerful and successful is a good thing. It was the Romans who taught the English imperialism. The Romans learned it from many centuries of history; interacting with the Egyptians, Minoans and Phoenicians. Its was the Egyptians who invented the big government pyramid and the Sumerians who invented private property and capitalism.

One of the laws that the founders of the USA wrote about was the idea of, Ex Post Facto, which means you cannot charge anyone for a crime that was not against any law at the time it was committed. So this modern tendency to hold our ancestors to today’s standards is an unconstitutional corruption of the rule of law.

The American people, especially white Americans, practically invented human rights. It was the Egyptians, Africans, who invented slavery at least 5000 years ago, and then the Romans learned about slavery from Egypt and then taught my ancestors in northern Europe about it. The root word for slave is Slav. Imperialists from Mesopotamia and Egypt got their slaves from among the Slavic barbarians from the north.

The American people inherited slavery from our ancestors and abolished it within the first century of our history. Primarily because, the American revolution is a human rights revolution. Always has been, always will be.

I have that same attitude of patriotism about universal human rights and unity in diversity towards the entire human race as a whole. Love and respect the entire human race, individually and collectively, not any single nation over the others, or any other special interest group, such as your family, racial or religious community. Just like loving your kids doesn’t diminish your love for your spouse or your extended family, your love of country should not diminish your love for the human race.

Whatever is best for the whole human race, is what is best for each individual nation, each individual family and each individual human being. Like Jefferson said in the Declaration of Independence:

“Prudence, indeed, will dictate that Governments long established should not be changed for light and transient causes; and accordingly all experience hath shewn, that mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils are sufferable, than to right themselves by abolishing the forms to which they are accustomed. But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.”

(Jefferson, 1776)

The People of the North

Civilization started in Iran, Mesopotamia, Turkey and Egypt. Naturally, it spread out from there. The Scythian tribes of people evolving in Ukraine and the Russian steppe north of the Black Sea and the Caspian Sea, originally migrated out of and have subsequently influenced and been influenced by the civilizations growing up in the Levant.

The Hallstatt culture was flourishing in Germany. The original Britons had followed the glacier north and west from Doggerland, which is now covered by the North Sea.

The Bible says that Noah was teaching the people around Him before the flood. I figure that Noah lived somewhere near that inland sea, where the Black Sea is now. When the Mediterranean Sea poured in and filled the Black Sea, most of the people were drowned. The ones who lived at a higher elevation, north of the Black Sea survived and continued to evolve into the Slavic people. A few of them were probably influenced by the divine education revealed by Noah.

Geoffrey Hughes claims in his book, A history of English Words, (Hughes, 2000, p73) that the presence of words for the cold climate and certain trees and fish in the Proto-Indo-European language, indicates that central Europe is the original homeland of the Indo-European language group. Wikipedia says Russia and the Ukraine is the original Proto-Indo-European homeland.

In either case, they’re the Cro-Magnon Men who migrated north from the Levant 60,000 years ago and converged with the Neanderthal people. Some of their relatives migrated east, from Iran into India, and became the Dravidian people, and eventually the Chinese and the Australian aborigines. Others migrated west and became the Greek and Italian people. The Indo Europeans eventually conquered the Dravidians in India and suppressed them into the untouchable caste.

I remember reading several volumes of an encyclopedia written by British scientists who were sent to live in various places, in order to learn about the local society and to write the volumes of the encyclopedia.

The story about Persia mentions that the Iranians would build up a prosperous civilization with hospitals and universities, which would attract waves of invading, “barbarians from the north.” The barbarians would destroy the current dynasty, and become civilized in the process. A new dynasty and civilization would arise from the mixture of barbarians and Iranians. According to the story I read, this happened over and over again, for thousands of years.

So, the people of the north, the Celtic, Germanic and Slavic peoples brought the circle of barbarian friends to imperial civilization and learned imperialism in the process.

Apparently, the Salutrean people of western Europe spread out along the coast of western Europe and even North America. The Salutrean technology is the same as the Clovis technology of the earliest known inhabitants of North America (Science Documentaries, 2014).

The Basque people are the nearest relatives of the aborigine people of Ireland. Eventually, the Romans invaded Britain from the south, the Angles and then the Saxons came from the East, the Vikings came down from the North, and in 1066, the Normans came up from the south again. The Welsh, Irish and Scots are the remnants of the original Celtic clans of the British Isles, the Gaels and the Picts. Scotland is a blend of Picts, Gaels and Vikings.

The interactions between these clans and tribes were often bloody, as in hacking each other to death with swords and battle axes, just like the turmoil in the ancient civilizations of the Middle East and eastern Asia. Countless villages were completely wiped out. So everyone learned how to fight.

The Romans, the tribe that had migrated to the west from the Levant, had conquered the southern part of the Island and taught the people about government, imperialism and civilization and all that. They brought Christianity to the island, because by that time, Christianity had grown to become the official religion of the Roman Empire.

Then they left, because their empire collapsed from a million tiny cuts from the outside and creeping corruption on the inside. The Huns, Goths and Vandals and others were attacking from the northeast and the Mores were attacking from the southwest and the southeast.

Western Europeans organized themselves into nations in order to defend themselves against invading Muslims. Ireland and Scotland never were part of the Roman Empire. Scotland did eventually become part of the British Empire.

As far as I know, the Holy Roman Empire was the first big Empire in Germany. The Hallstatt culture is much older than that, but I don’t think it ever became anything like an empire. Imperialism was imposed on central and western Europe from the south.

In England, the Romans left behind a relatively civilized nation, which often had good government and other times had lousy government. At one point, in 1215, the people came down from the highlands and forced the King to sign the Magna Carta.

The king had to follow the rule of law, or the people had the right to replace him. The Magna Carta primarily codified the rights of the British nobles. The concept of human rights was also beginning to evolve in the form of the British Common Law.

Apparently, we MacKays (Mc Eye) were either, attacking our neighbors or being attacked by our neighbors, at all times for centuries. I looked us up on the Internet one time and found out that the Aodha clan were bred, just like farmers managing the breeding of live stock, by an ancient king in Ireland, to be warriors for defending the kingdom. Another article says the Aodhas are Manx. Manx are the people of the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea. Aodha is a god of fire, as in the warmth and light of the hearth.

The Aodha migrated up into northern Britain and became the Gaelic MacKay clan. Vikings often raided MacKay territory in far northwestern Britain. The Vikings, Gaels and Picts eventually become Scotland.

At one point, the Sutherland clan started moving into MacKay territory in far northwestern Scotland. Rather than fight over northwestern Scotland, many of the MacKays moved to America, some to Australia, New Zealand, etc.

Somewhere along the journey, the name evolved from Aodha to MacKay to Mccoy. I can see how you can get Mccoy out of MacKay. I’m not so sure how we got from Aodha to MacKay.

So, while I do have warrior DNA, I am rather geeky. I do have a fairly contentious personality. Even though I don’t necessarily like arguing, I’m pretty good at it. I like reading and writing. I’ve always been interested in history and current events.

As far as I can tell, the standing stones in Northern Scotland are some of the oldest stone age megaliths on earth. The west coast of Europe has been a busy shipping lane for thousands of years. The Danes, Basques, Irish, Celtic and Viking people were all trading, playing and fighting with each other, just like the Egyptians, Minoans, Phoenicians, Greeks and Romans in the Mediterranean Basin.

A Revolutionary Idea

500 or so years after the Magna Carta, many of us had migrated to America. Highlanders evolved into hillbillies. At one point, when the king of the British Empire was acting particularly obnoxious, we had a revolution against the king and replaced that hereditary ruling class, the rule of man, with the rule of law and established our government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Now, we’re mountain men, living out here in western North America. I’m writing about history, culture and patriotism. I love the cowboys and the Indians, the capitalists and the employees, all races, all nations, all religions, all the people of earth. My defense of the cowboys is not about hostility towards Indians or black people. I love all the people of America, exactly the same. I love the cowboys and the Indians.

I’m telling stories about my ancestors. I’m writing about one of my favorite subjects, history. I’m an armchair cultural anthropologist, writing as a struggling American, reasoning with all of the people of earth, in order to promote understanding, mutual respect and unity in diversity.

Americans are like the ancient Phoenicians, we like to trade and play with everyone, and we carry civilization around with us. We don’t like to fight, but we can if we have to. The USA is a civil rights revolution. Always has been, always will be.

The American people are united by an idea, a culture of democracy, free enterprise and human rights. “We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men are created equal” (Jefferson, 1776).

Yes, it has taken us a long time to get those ideals into practice, and we still have a long ways to go. We have fought tooth and nail to accomplish them; and in spite of all our failings and weaknesses, our many imperfections; we still stand for freedom, equality and justice for all.

Again, one of the complaints against the king of England, listed in the original draft of the Declaration of Independence, was that he had introduced slavery into America. It was eventually left out of the Declaration, because the leaders of the revolution did not want the attention of the American people divided.

They wanted a unanimous vote. With their lives on the line in the rebellion against the biggest empire in human history, they focused on independence from the British Empire first, then they set about enforcing the universal human rights proclaimed in the Declaration and the Constitution, such as freedom, equality and justice for all.

The attitude of contempt for America, calling people coons and uncle toms and things like that for striving to be an American citizen, and siding with our enemies every time we get in a conflict with other nations, is causing African Americans to suffer. Its not white racism, its black racism that is dividing America. I’m not saying that white racism doesn’t exist, I’m saying that all racism is a sin against God.

Patriotic citizens of America are going to reject people who are hostile towards them. That is natural. Please join us in the greatest adventure in human history. And seek the truth and the truth will set you free, no matter what race you are. I am an American. An Earthling.

In The Federalist Papers (Hamilton, Madison, Jay, 1787,1788), a series of newspaper articles written by several of our founding fathers, in order to explain to the people of the United States, the reasoning behind the structure of the US Constitution, one of the most important ideas declared during that foundation of American civilization is that the people are sovereign.

There is no ruling class. No king, no nobles, aristocracy or oligarchy of any kind. All men are created equal. We have struggled mightily, for more than 200 years, to establish and enforce that principle of American culture.

The Holy Bible, the Iroquois Federation, Anglo Saxon ethics and culture, and the Roman politician Cicero’s philosophy about natural law, even the Egyptian pyramid, were some of the many ideas and societies that our founding fathers used as models while they were designing the USA. According to their own words, the USA was intended to be all inclusive of all races, all tribes and all peoples who wanted to join us.

I’m asking for you and for all the nations and peoples of the world to love and respect each other, to be peaceful and prosperous. I’m sorry about and ashamed of any corruption in the history of the United States. Especially our relationship with minorities in the United States and with many nations and people outside the USA.

Apparently, we’re still the barbarians from the north, the colossus of the north. Viking hoards smashing our way around the world. We, the people of the United States of America, need to make amends for the harm we’ve caused. We did the same thing to the Native American people that the Angles, Saxons and Vikings did to the Celtic people back in Britain a thousand years ago.

All I can say is that we are all going to have to evolve. We, the people of earth, are quickly adapting to a global perspective of human nature and civilization. Right now, the northern tribes are relatively prosperous with almost no increase in population. Southern tribes are still relatively poor and their population is still exploding. It looks like another wave of African emigration is about ready to transform human nature and civilization, again.

The whole world economy is booming. The human race is thriving. The United Nations is the richest greatest civilization in human history. We’re building cities as fast as we can all over the earth. We are terraforming earth, from a wilderness, into a beautiful garden.

Many of the southerners, such as the Arabs and Nigerians, are getting rich trading with the north. Now that America has helped liberate the south from European colonialism, the south is learning how to govern themselves and to live in harmony with all the people of earth.

We’re all one family. Love every single human being alive on earth, exactly the same as you love yourself. And love God with all your heart, mind and soul.

I like to look at pictures and watch videos of the cities of the world. They’re all magnificent architectural wonders. I’m awed by the city of Dhaka and the nation of Bangladesh. How can 180 million people live in an area the size of Iowa!? Djakarta is one of the most beautiful cities.

I love and respect the divine Teacher, Muhammad. He has taught us that when an enemy attacks, we should use every available means to defeat the enemy; and when the enemy stops fighting, the fight is over. Stop fighting! Do not hold grudges or resentments. Besides equality, freedom of religion is the first principle of human rights in America; we have no quarrel with any legitimate religion.

“There is no compulsion in religion. The right direction is henceforth distinct from error. And he who rejecteth false deities and believeth in Allah hath grasped a firm handhold which will never break. Allah is Hearer, Knower.”

(The Koran, Surah 2, Verse 256)

All those ancient kingdoms and empires, which have all been characterized by violence and oppression for the entire history of the human race, with the divine education happening in their midst, had reached the condition of the British Empire wrestling world supremacy from the Spanish Empire.

Europe was a relatively young civilization, compared to Egypt, Persia, India and China; however, it had become more aggressive and technologically advanced, at least partly as a result of having evolved in such a harsh northern climate. They had to work hard, and design and build artificial habitats, just to survive.

I’ve read that the domestication and use of horses, had a lot to do with their success. Naval power and merchant marine trade are another huge factor in the success of most big empires. We’ve been fighting each other over hunting grounds and farmland for centuries, so we’ve had a lot of practice fighting each other.

As usual, our ancestors had good kings and bad kings over the years and generations of people. During one particular generation, having a particularly obnoxious king led some of my ancestors here in North America, to rebel against the king.

Americans abolished that traditional, aristocratic rule of man; and replaced it with a constitutional rule of law and a representative democracy. That hereditary ruling class was replaced with the rule of law and government of the people, by the people and for the people. The United States was created by religious people, for religious people. About 95% of the original citizens of the United States were Christian.

The people, who accomplished this revolutionary change in human affairs, wrote down their ideas and philosophy. They explained why they rebelled against the king and their reasoning behind the design of the government they decided to replace the king with. The Biblical Exodus is probably the closest any previous human culture has come to completely eliminating any ruling class.

The Americans took into consideration their understanding of human nature. This consultation was taking place after a history of war that spans the entire history of human civilization and centuries of the philosophical debates of the European enlightenment.

The authors of the Constitution observed the competitive nature of life in general and human relations in particular, and designed a social and economic development system, designed to channel that competitive human nature into productive activities, rather than destructive behaviors.

That competition is obvious in natural history, as well as human history. Think of the lions, tigers and wolves, competing with the deer, antelope and buffalo for survival; Mutual of Omaha’s, Wild Kingdom, and all that.

Imagine the history of martial arts in East Asia; the bloody conflicts between the families, tribes and empires throughout all previous human history. The Akkadians, Assyrians and Babylon, the Kemet and Hyksos, Romans and Goths, Angles, Saxons, Vikings, Vandals and Huns are all great tribes of human beings competing with each other.

The Americans designed a social and economic development ecosystem that channeled that aggressive self-interest and competition into productive activities.

Adams, Jefferson, Franklin, Washington, and many others, created one nation under God, based on the rule of law, making the people sovereign and the government a service. They institutionalized the ideas and principles of freedom of conscience and free enterprise, equal rights and justice for all into the collective conscience of the American people. They prayed to God, asking for guidance, at every meeting of the Continental Congress, which produced the United States Constitution.

It has taken us many generations of effort, struggling to put those ideals into practice, and we still have a lot of progress to make in our national endeavor, to advance the cause of democracy, human rights and free enterprise in human nature and civilization. Education is the most important way that we transmit our culture on to the next generation of people.

Our universal education and our universities are probably the most important feature of American civilization. That’s what made the USA a superpower. Now, universities in Lagos Nigeria and Manilla Phillippines are helping to spread that education and wealth around to all the people of earth.

Article 51

Article 51 of the Charter of the United Nations acknowledges every nation’s God given right to self defense. Every nation has a right to self government and the right to determine who enters the country.

It is not an accident that, after appealing to the Laws of Nature and Nature’s God, “We hold these truths to be self-evident, all men are created equal” (Jefferson, 1776), is the very first idea in our Declaration of Independence from the imperial super power of that time. The American people have a right and a moral responsibility to preserve the United States of America.

When the Europeans first discovered and began migrating into America, they discovered that the land was undeveloped. From their perspective, the native people were primitive hunter gatherers. They naturally set about enclosing the land in private property and developing it as their ancestors had been doing for thousands of years. And of course, teaching the natives about modern civilization and the one true Religion of God, as they understood it. The immigrants were trying to assimilate the native people.

Naturally, the Native American people protested and fought against this enclosure of their hunting grounds into private property and the assimilation of their people into an alien culture. Also naturally, and sadly, the American response to the hostility of the Native Americans, was often brutally savage annihilation. The same thing happened to the Neanderthals, the Dravidians, the Celts and many other tribes of people all around the world.

I suppose that America is a result of another wave of Viking invaders, migrating into new homelands. Its no different than the Scythians migrating into Iran and India or the Muslims spreading out across Africa and Asia.

The Goths were just another generation of Indo-European Scythians migrating into southeastern Europe, just like they migrated into the Indian subcontinent, invading the Mauryan Empire. Or how about the Mongols, who created the largest empire in history, uniting all of China, Russia and Persia during the 13th century.

There was the French and Indian War before the American Revolution. Indians fought on both sides during the Revolutionary war. Then, the Shawnee Indians in the Midwest and the Redstick gang of Creek Indians in the south, cooperated in a coordinated attack against the United States, during and after the War of 1812.

The conflict between the young American nation and the Native Americans was not a one sided attack against Indians. It was the Indians who made a conscious choice to refuse assimilation into American culture and civilization. Some native Americans made that perfectly clear during the Creek War and the Fort Mims Massacre in 1813. Immigrants and native Americans lived together in harmony at Fort Mims. All the people of Fort Mims, every man, woman and child, immigrant and native, were killed by the Red Stick gang of Creek Indians.

The United States was fighting the British Empire in the War of 1812 and had little patience for hostile Indians in Alabama. One of the generals involved in both of those wars, the War of 1812 and the Indian Wars in Alabama against the Creek nation, Andrew Jackson, eventually became president and supported the removal of the Indians to the Indian Territories west of the Mississippi.

It was mutual competition in which both sides were fighting to occupy the same place. The immigrants won, because of their superior numbers, their superior technology and probably because of the thousands of years of social development and imperial culture inherited from the Roman Empire and all that historical evolution of their collective consciousness.

Ex Post Facto is that legal principle that you cannot charge anyone with a crime, which was not a crime at the time it was committed. We cannot hold our ancestors to modern standards. I’m not making any excuses for any human rights abuses or saying anything bad about the Indians.

I don’t blame the Indians for fighting against the invaders. All I’m saying is that this attitude that is so popular these days, that white people are bad people because we have been so successful, in the same competition that has characterized every tribe and nation for the entire history of human history, is a lie.

Winning the fight does not make us wrong. Everyone was fighting everyone. We still are fighting each other. Now, in order to create peace on earth for all people everywhere, we’re going to have to have some kind of international rule of law, about people migrating around the world. The rules need to be fair for all the people of the world. All nations, all races, all religions are all one universal commonwealth. Earth is one giant free trade zone. The human race is one global super-organism.

All those people, on all sides, the American Indians, the African Americans and the American immigrants, are my ancestors. First, it was Cro-Magnon verses Neanderthal, then Sumerian, the Egyptians called them Hyksos, verses Egyptian, the Kemet, then Greek verses Persian, then Roman, then Angles, Saxons, Vikings, and Normans, then American immigrants migrating into America and then across America. Chinese martial arts and the Great Wall of China are evidence that the Asian cultures are just as violently competitive as any culture.

I’m not excusing any human rights violations that have occurred in the past, I’m saying the American revolution was and is an ongoing struggle for human rights, for all people of every race and every religion. And now, with the founding of the United Nations, that struggle has been extended to all people of every nation.

The Americans attempted to assimilate the native Americans and the native Americans refused to be assimilated. Both sides were fighting each other. Just because one side won the fight doesn’t make them wrong.

The people who founded the USA, and every generation of Americans since then, have fought tooth and nail to establish the sovereignty of the people and human rights and free enterprise. And we’ve been making waves of progress. All this racial animosity that is so popular these days is a corrupt, counter (American) revolutionary ideology.

The American Way

We stand for democracy and human rights, however imperfectly. We are now in the midst of another existential struggle to preserve the United States of America and to establish a global federation of nations, with democracy and self government, free enterprise and human rights; so that all people everywhere can live in peace and prosperity.

The banksters have created these giant corporations and they seem to have gotten control of our government. They’ve transformed our capitalist economy into a fascist one, which is owned by an elite ruling class and controlled by the government. The trade unions have got control of our schools and are teaching our kids that America is an imperial oppressor, instead of the arsenal of democracy, and that socialism and communism is the way to go.

The classical liberal idea is being ignored and even silenced by political correctness, cancel culture and mob rules. In my opinion, the banksters and the socialists arguing against them, are one selfish and materialistic ideology verses another radical and oppressive ideology. Both have betrayed the American Revolution.

There are no inferior or superior human beings. It doesn’t matter what race or gender or nationality you are. We, the people of America, are a rainbow colored race. We are one of the many great tribes of the universal commonwealth of all of the people of earth.

One of my favorite cultural ancestors, Chief Crazy Horse, from my home state of Wyoming, says that it is time for the Indians to come out of your social isolation and contribute to our cosmopolitan culture. He says that his generation’s great grand children, or maybe their children, will rescue America and bring harmony between all tribes and the earth.

Well, that’s now. We, the people of earth, need the American Indians to join us in peace; not with hostility and resentment, but with genuine friendship, peace and harmony.

American Indians are American citizens. Separation is out of the question. We want one nation on this continent, not a bunch of little ones. Indians should not have any special privileges.

I consider Indians to be my big brothers, but I don’t think they deserve to be treated any differently than anyone else. I believe that all men are created equal and should be treated equally. That’s the whole point of the American Revolution and the civil rights movement, that we would judge people by their conduct, not the color of their skin!

I would love to see a truly patriotic American Indian elected President of the United States! I wish we would change the name of our national monuments, like Devil’s Tower and Hell’s Canyon, back to the Native American names. Grey Horn Butte [Devil’s Tower] is in Paha Sapa [Black Hills].

I can understand why the people named the monuments like that, because of all the red dirt and red rocks, reminding people of Dante’s Inferno. I just think that it’s actually very harmful. Its one of those Neuro-Linguistic Programming issues. It’s becoming a self fulfilling prophecy.

Asking people about their race when you hire them, is racist. No one should be treated any differently because of their race and any racist attitudes or actions should be gently and firmly suppressed. We should be teaching racial harmony every chance we get, and we are!

All men are created equal is the very first principle, the whole point of the American Revolution. Abolishing the concept of any ruling class, eliminating any caste system and establishing harmony of all people of every race, religion and ethnic heritage is the reason for the American Revolution and the ongoing struggle for human rights.

The USA is the most cosmopolitan nation on earth. We may not be the most progressive, but we are definitely the most cosmopolitan. The Chinese have been here ever since the beginning, building rail roads, laundromats and Chinese buffets, among other things. We have a large African American community, who have earned their citizenship, working hard to produce social and economic development progress.

While slavery was a big part of the early American economy, the slaves did not build America, at least not by themselves. America has been and is being built by all of the American people.

I’m living in Seattle right now and I assure you that this is a very cosmopolitan culture, with people from all around the world living here. There are very large communities of Indians from India, Japanese, Vietnamese, Chinese and Koreans. I’ve met many people from Ethiopia. There are many African Americans here.

When I moved back to Wyoming from Denver one time, I was surprised that there were so many blond people compared to Denver. Seattle makes Denver look very homogenous. Its interesting, because Seattle seems a lot more like a blue collar town than Denver. It’s like Pittsburgh, except we build jet planes, computer operating systems and the largest online store in the world.

Denver is more Hollywood than Seattle. I heard someone at a space business conference describe the space development culture in Alabama as centered around space propulsion, California is centered around space navigation, Denver is centered around space law. Seattle would be centered around integrated space flight. Seattle is way more racially diverse than anywhere I’ve ever lived.

This is a very good thing. We can learn how to create a cosmopolitan civilization with people of all races and religions living in harmony with each other, and then teach the world how to live in peace and prosperity with each other. You know? The people living in America will continue to communicate with our relatives in our ancestral homelands. People everywhere will gradually realize that we are all one family, one universal commonwealth.

America has also absorbed many Latin American peoples, who had arrived in America from Spain and mixed in and converged with the native peoples, even earlier than the British people. They’re a mixture of Arab, European and Native American.

It was another wave of German scientists, immigrating to America, who helped us defeat Hitler during World War 2 and send men to the moon during the 20th century. They also sent robots to explore every planet in our solar system, and then some.

There are people from just about every tribe and nation on this planet living in America today. Unity in diversity is a good idea. Replace your selfish ambition and competition with cooperation, service and unity in diversity.

The founding fathers mentioned that the Lord would return one day and then the King of kings would create whatever form of government He wanted to. In the meantime, they decided that the government would not be permitted to interfere in the affairs of religion. Jesus Christ Himself said, “Give to Ceasar what is Ceasar’s, give to God what is God’s.”

Keep in mind, they never said that religion cannot participate, or rather “petition the government for a redress of grievances.” Just that the government is not permitted to interfere in matters of personal conscience. The constitution was designed to limit the power of the government, not the power of the people.


The issue of slavery, which America inherited from our imperial European ancestors, was on the table at the Constitutional Convention; however, with their lives at stake, the founding fathers decided to solve the problem of independence from the British Empire first. Abolishing slavery was accomplished during the bloodiest war in American history, within the first century of American history.

The primary objective of the United States during the Civil War was to preserve the union. Emancipation of the slaves was a secondary objective that most Americans believed in and fought for.

It was white Christian Abolitionists, who protested against slavery and instigated the civil war to eliminate it from American civilization. The south succeeded from the union over the issue of slavery and states rights, the north fought to abolish slavery and preserve the union. It was white Christian patriots who have fought alongside our black citizens in their struggle for civil rights.

Even after the war and the 14th Amendment to the Constitution of the United States, racial harmony and civil rights have been a tough issue and a scar in American culture. We have fought tooth and nail to establish the freedom, equality and justice for all people of every race, color or ethnic heritage, and we still have progress to make towards racial harmony.

Racism is a disgraceful charater defect. All people of any race can be racist. We can also be discriminated against. No bullies allowed, anywhere on earth, from now on.

We’re changing attitudes and institutions that have existed for as long as human civilization has existed. Its just one more chapter in the ongoing saga of more advanced civilization, another wave of progress in the advancement of human rights.

Racism is retarded. Its barbaric and uncivilized. No matter who is thinking or acting in anyway racist. I see that white people, black people, Mexicans and Indians are all racist. By all, I mean that none of us are any better or worse about racism than the others. We are all responsible and accountable for healing this deep wound in the human psyche.

Right now, we are in the midst of an existential struggle for emancipation of all of the American people, from the deep state, this professional bureaucracy that has metastasized into a perverse ruling class, based on so called scientific principles and academic credentials. It is a counter American Revolutionary ideology that is ripping American civilization apart.

Prayer For America

O thou kind Lord!

This gathering is turning to Thee.

These hearts are radiant with Thy love.

These minds and spirits are exhilarated by the message of Thy glad-tidings.

O God! Let this American democracy become glorious in spiritual degrees even as it has aspired to material degrees, and render this just government victorious.

Confirm this revered nation to upraise the standard of the oneness of humanity to promulgate the Most Great Peace, to become thereby most glorious and praiseworthy among all the nations of the world.

O God! This American nation is worthy of Thy favors and is deserving of Thy mercy.

Make it precious and near to Thee through Thy bounty and bestowal.

from the Sacred Writings of the Baha’i Faith