Back to KDE

After reading the Gnome Code of Conduct, I decided to switch back to using KDE. I installed Kubuntu and I’m back to using Konsole, Zsh and Vim.

I’ve switched to using Ranger, instead of Vifm, because Vifm looks so much different than Konsole, Zsh and Vim. You can configure Vifm to look like your other tools, but Ranger just automatically looks like them and it works fairly well.

I did install Kwin’s Tiling Extension. I used Firefox to search for adding tiling windows to KDE and found the AddictiveTips website and followed the instructions.

sudo apt install git

if you don’t already have it installed. Then

git clone

Move into your kwin-tiling directory

cd kwin-tiling

Then, install kwin-tiling on your computer:

plasmapkg2 --type kwinscript -i .

I just copy and paste the commands into Zsh and they usually work just fine.

Turn KDE’s tiling window extension on by navigating to System Settings > Window Management > Kwin Scripts and selecting Tiling Extension.

You’ll have to restart your computer for it to work right, to get the gaps between windows and select your layout. Check out kwin-scripts/kwin-tiling at Github for more ideas about how to configure your tiling windows.

I’ve installed Alacritty, but I’ve been using Konsole. It’s not blazing fast like Alacritty, but it works very well. I usually open two terminals on one workspace and use Ctrl-f1, f2, f3 or f4 to move around my four workspaces.

I typically open two terminals in Workspace f1, Firefox in Workspace f2, and whatever else I’m working on in Workspaces f3 and f4.

I should probably get Tmux set up, so I can easily navigate around all the different windows and panes in my terminal session, without having to click to select a particular window.

I’ve just been using Kubuntu like it is for now. Last year, among all my other research, I watched all the lectures in Harvard University’s CS-50 Introduction to Computer Science course, twice. This year, I’m going through MIT’s Electrical Engineering and Computer Science course, Performance Engineering of Software Systems.

While I’m studying that, I watched a series of videos and read some stories about the Assembly Programming language. Now, I’m watching a series about the C Programming Language. I’m also reading Linux Insides.

This is how I’m learning how Linux works. Its just an example that you can follow if you want to. You don’t need to know all this stuff to use Linux. I’m just interested in it.

Next year, I’ll be focusing on getting really good at using Kdenlive, Audacity, Krita and Darktable to create content for my websites. I spent a lot of time studying website development a few years back. I’ll keep develop that skill.

My goal is to develop this website into a very high performance and valuable resource for people who want to learn how to use free and open source software to build your own private free enterprise.

Which brings up the issue of private property. The whole reason I’m interested in free and open source software is, after reading the Microsoft Windows User Agreement from start to finish, my answer was no, I do not agree that Microsoft owns the software on my computer.

I don’t really like the idea of no one owning the software either, but that is better than Microsoft or any other corporation owning it. My computer, including the software on it, is my private property.

The one good thing about having this kind of collective ownership of the software is that all of our computers remain compatible with and can communicate with each other and we can develop a global cloud of software available to anyone who wants to use it.

That is not a bad idea. Owning your own means of production is not a bad idea either. Improve yourself. Whatever your craft is, make yourself a very high performance creator. Produce something valuable and trade it in our one world wide web of entertaining education.

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