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Take responsibility for yourself. Own your means of production. The three great economic philosophies of the 20th century, capitalism, communism and national socialism all have advantages and disadvantages.

One of the big disadvantages of the capitalist system is that real capitalists are not interested in controlling people, they’re interested in business and free enterprise, so the socialist control freaks sneak into their institutions and take control, while the capitalists are busy working on their free enterprise.

The state is a necessary feature of human nature and civilization. We create nations to serve and protect our selves, our families and our free enterprise. One world unity is a good idea. Peace and freedom are goals we can all work towards, in harmony with nature and with each other.

Human nature is terraforming earth from a wilderness into a beautiful Garden. Rather than your self, your family, the state or any other human institution, submission to God and the wellbeing of the entire human race is the central motivation of the new, 21st century philosophy.

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