Another New Computer
Hello Wordpad. Here we go again. I’ve got to get in the habit of being a prolific writer. I just spend $2000 on a new desktop computer. I also pulled this little Insignia tablet out of mothballs to use as a writing tool while I’m away from my holistic home office.
And, IÂ purchased a $300 Amazon Kindle, so I can read some of these technical manuals on the bus ride to and from my day job. The Kindle is working great. This table is not working so great.
So, now I need to get in the habit of producing a lot of content. This tablet is pretty handy for writing, while I’m out and about. It’s very slow. Getting used to this little Microsoft keyboard is going to be an adventure.
I’ll be working with Microsoft, for a while anyway. .NET is the Microsoft development environment and ASP.NET is the Microsoft web development environment. Microsoft is working on making itself more compatible with Linux, but I wonder if they are trying to cooperate, or are they trying to take over.
Copy and pasting this WordPad document into my WordPress Admin Dashboard has been a nightmare. This computer doesn’t work very fast. WordPad paragraphs do not translate into WordPress paragraphs, so I have to go through and create the blocks and paragraphs individually.
Hopefully, I’ll be able to speed this computer up by cleaning up the software on it. And, I’ll figure out how to write stories with Microsoft that translate into website format without a lot of extra text formatting. It reminds me why I don’t like using Microsoft. Everything has to be Microsoft’s way and that is not always compatible with what everyone else is doing.
I don’t mind Microsoft owning their own development environment, I just don’t want them owning my development environment. The Linux GPL license is not much better than Microsoft’s license. The GPL says no one owns the software.
I like real capitalism, where I own my own means of production. The Microsoft model is national socialism. The Linux model is Marxist socialism. I’m an American patriot. I like capitalism, democracy and human rights. I’m also an earthling. I’m a patriotic citizen of the United Nations.
Private property and free enterprise are good ideas. They’re components of the most productive economy in human history.
I’m not advocating for anarchy either. Freedom is lawful, not lawless. One common law is an essential feature of human civilization. Just like one common language is necessary for communications.
I’m not so sure this tablet is going to be much use. The battery is draining pretty quickly and this neat little folding keyboard is very sensitive and I make a lot of typos. Its probably just a matter of practicing and learning the muscle memory.
Write! A lot!
You definitely need to pay attention to the quality of your writing. Writing a lot will help you improve your writing style. Practice makes perfect.
Just think, we’re in the very early stages of the development of the information age. Its like the early days of the agricultural revolution 12,000 years ago. Or when we first started using sticks and stone tools 10 million years ago.
The industrial revolution is definitely a part of it. The Enlightenment, the Reformation and the industrial revolution are all phases of the transistion to the information age. The spread of democracy during the 20th century is another wave of progress. All forms of totalitarianism will soon be extinct.
And we’re just getting started. Pretty soon, we’ll learn how to use the Zero Point Energy. We’ll figure out how to jump from one solar system to another. Its going to be a very fun adventure for all of us.
You’ve got to learn how to use our information age tools. Just like hunter gatherer culture was replaced with agriculture, manual labor will be replaced with our skill and ability to use artificial intelligence and robotics to improve our productivity.