Entertain us!
Educate us!
Have fun, practicing your creative arts on your own custom, high-performance desktop publishing and content creation system. Explore the global cloud of artificial intelligence with your home made, high-performance, portal into the Internet.
Your Tools
Use Kate to start writing immediately. There is no setting Kate up. There is no learning curve for using Kate. Just open it up and start writing. You can copy and paste the content directly from Kate to the Gutenberg editor in your WordPress website.

The two programming languages that I recommend learning are Zsh and Lua. Get Zsh installed and set it to be your default shell. Use Zsh to program your programmable computer operating system. Use Lua to program the configuration files for all of your applications. Get Neovim installed and set to be your default text editor. Use Lua to configure Neovim.
Use Dolphin to manage your files, Kate for writing notes and code and any other basic writing projects, and Kile for writing books and any documents that need mathematical formulas and charts and stuff like that. Dolphin and Kate are really easy to learn. Kile is based on Kate and not all that hard to learn, but Latex is a little more complicated. I’m currently reading Latex Beginner’s Guide, Second Edition by Stephen Kottwitz, 2021. It is well worth the time and effort to learn how to use these tools, if you want to play in the global cloud of artificial intelligence.
You can write your chapters in Kate and then, one at a time, copy and paste them into your desktop publishing application, Scribus, and then use Scribus to get it all typeset and correctly laid out and then exported as a PDF to the self-publishing vendor of your choice.
Latex and Scribus are going to be your two major desktop publishing applications. Latex is a programming language that specializes in laying out text in a professional way. Scribus is an application that does the same thing. I’ve just barely scratched the surface about using them. I did use Scribus to publish a book, but then I pulled the book, because it wasn’t very well written.
I read somewhere that you can use Latex files in Scribus. It also seems like they are both alternative ways to do the same thing. You can export Latex files as PDF and apparently most self publishing vendors can use those PDF files. You export your Scribus files as PDF to send them to the self-publishing vendor.
I used Scribus to produce one book. I’m just now, finally, working on learning Latex. I’ll come back and update this story, when I find out if and how you can use Latex and Scribus together or are they two different ways to do the same thing.
I do not like documentation that stretches all the way across the webpage. I’m pretty sure, most of those pages are written in Latex. I definitely like WordPress’ Gutenberg editor. I use Kate and Gutenberg for writing web content and Kate and Scribus for writing books and any other offline documentation.
I’ve got a lot of stories written over the years. Some of them are fairly well written stories, some are not. I edit and polish them, over and over again. Sometimes, when I am struggling to figure out what to do, I’ll start editing an old story and that will get me going and I get a lot of productive work done for the day.
Prolific Writer
Be a prolific writer. Learn how to use these tools to make your writing professional quality. Learn how to use Linux and KDE Neon as a beacon of light. Create multiple channels of entertaining education. Use Bluehost, WordPress and Kadence to create an attractive channel of entertaining education. There are many alternatives to choose from. I’m recommending and teaching anyone interested, how to use the high-performance set of tools that I have been using for the last 20 years.
The benefit of using Linux and creating your own website is that you get to be the artist. You are the owner and you get to control your own free enterprise, instead of working in someone else’s free enterprise. You are not depending on any social media application. I suppose that I’m depending on Linux and Bluehost and WordPress. Hopefully, they will never be infected with the love of money, power and authority that seems to be running amok lately.
Don’t get me wrong, money is a good thing. Selfish ambition and greed and selfishness are the dark side of human nature and civilization. Power and authority are a mental illness. Everybody wants to be important. Everyone is important. Wanting to be more or less important than anyone else is exactly like cancer. Just like cancer is a biological process growing out of control. Wanting to be more or less important than anyone else is a psychological process, self-esteem, growing out of control.
Your Interest
Human nature and civilization are my favorite subject. There are still a lot of people living in poverty and I’m writing about how we can all produce enough food and shelter for everyone alive on earth, to live in comfort. There are plenty of natural resources. Its just a matter of getting everyone working together, to create one peaceful and prosperous, universal commonwealth.
I have some good ideas that can help you improve yourself and help us make the world more peaceful and prosperous. Get in the habit of writing every day. Be a professional story teller and writer. I usually write non-fiction about natural history, holistic healthcare, spirituality and world unity and working in your own home office based free enterprise, using free and open source software.

Your Niche
Find your own niche. You do not need to do things the way I do. I’m just making suggestions, to help you get started. You will find your own way. My stories will help you do that a lot quicker than doing so without anyone pointing out some good ideas and questions that you can seek solutions for.
What are you interested in? Find something fun to do, something you like doing, and get really good at doing that and write some stories about it. Use your stories to help you learn about the subject you are studying and writing about.
Sometimes I get writer’s block, worrying about all the ideas I read about how to be a good writer. Such as writing about the reader’s agenda, not mine. And about having my website narrowly focused on one niche market, to improve its search engine optimization.
Definitely focus your stories on your audience’s agenda, not yours. Keeping your websites focused on one subject is also a good idea. You can build several websites for writing about other subjects.
Learn how to make videos and create content in your own private Vlog. Use Krita, Gimp, Inkscape and Blender to create all kinds of digital art. Get started as soon as possible. These are complicated tools that will take years of practice to get really good at. The sooner you get started, the better. You will be slow and clumsy at first. That is okay. Your art will be simple. Produce a lot of it. I’m 64 years old as I write this sentence in January, 2024, so don’t think you can’t learn this stuff unless you are 20 something. The older you are the more wisdom your stories will have.
Publish your art on your own WordPress website, in addition to your social media channels. Right now, I’m hosting my website on Bluehost. I host my videos on Rumble and embed them into my website from there.
Being a Prolific Writer
Creating new websites adds complexity to your business. Just keep writing stories. Once you get your websites set up, then start creating high quality content. Be a prolific writer. Quality is most important, quantity is also important.
Get at least 30 good stories written and posted as quickly as you can. Then start working towards getting 100 stories written and posted. Good stories. Valuable stories. Entertaining stories. Once you get your 30 stories posted, then you can start adding photos and other media to the stories.

Use headings to tell your audience a summary of the story and to increase your search engine optimization. Use your Advanced Kadence Blocks to add all kinds of multimedia to your blog posts and website pages.
Get yourself a decent DSLR camera and start taking pictures of your neighborhood and the people around you. My smart phone has an awesome camera. Start investigating photography and developing a portfolio of photos to go along with your portfolio of stories. Check out Gimp, RawTherapee and digiKam to work on your photograhs. Learn how to use them all to produce content for your website.
Get a video camera. Use your high performance smart phone to make photos and videos. Get yourself some GoPro cameras. Make videos while you are driving around your neighborhood. Get a drone to make aerial videos. Get some high quality microphones, to use in your home office based recording studio.
Your websites are works of art. They are also a collection of art. Make many beautiful pieces of art and put them all together into a beautiful art gallery, your website.
Study and learn how to do good research and professional writing. Keep writing. Get into the habit of producing a lot of content. You can edit and polish the stories later. Be on guard about trying to learn too many things all at once. Beware of being distracted by all the noise on the Internet.
Work through the distractions. Cultivate productive habits. If you’re like me, you will have to start out working part time, in order to work a regular job to pay your bills. You’ll need food and shelter and a computer and Internet service.
A shortage of working capital will slow you down. It can be frustrating. Keep working. Focus on being productive. The rewards will come later. Self-discipline causes self-determination and free enterprise. Work on writing and not spending too much time surfing the web.
A story book style of writing about technical subjects, like computer science and business development will be a valuable contribution, making it possible for some people who would not otherwise be able to learn the subjects.
Networking is very helpful. Find other writers and website developers and compare notes. Meetups are a good way to find other artists. As much as I like doing everything myself, I’ve made some pretty major waves of progress by asking other people for help.