Artificial Intelligence
Extending human consciousness with artificial intelligence is an unprecedented, punctuation in the evolution of human nature and civilization. Artificial intelligence and globalization are two of the most profound impulses in human history.
Artificial intelligence is extremely powerful technology that needs to be well regulated. First of all, we need people to be educated to be honorable citizens and not selfish barbarians. We also need our leaders to legislate and enforce laws that protect our privacy and our free enterprise.
Make sure that artificial intelligence is used for the benefit of all human beings everywhere. Not to enable anyone to exalt themselves over anyone else. Earth is one country. All human kind are one tribe. The military industrial complex, the imperial pyramid, is over. The ruling class is being selected for extinction. Turn your swords into plowshares.
Work on developing KDE. Kontact, Calligra, Falkon and many other KDE applications need to be worked on and improved. Get Linux installed on one of your computers. Set up your local development environment. Get the source code of the applications you want to work on cloned in your local development environment and start working on improving them.
Figure out how to get Konsole to run on the GPU, instead of the CPU. Get Falkon integrated into Kontact. Build an integrated communications and personal information management system using Kontact, Kexi, Calligra and Falkon. Create a high performance integrated development environment using Kdevelop, Konsole and Falkon.
Its an all volunteer project. Learn how to use the technology by working on the free and open source applications. Build at least one website and cultivate an audience. Then, explore, be creative, and figure out how you can monetize your computer programming skill.
Make sure the applications you design liberate people. As Moses says, “Let my people go!” Come out of that imperial pyramid. The social hierarchy is corrupt. The existence of any social hierarchy is a dishonorable, corruption of human nature and civilization.
I’ve noticed that there is an error in the following video. lxd is not a graphical tool, it is a command line tool that makes lxc a lot easier to understand and use. Other than that, the video is a great story about artificial intelligence and its influence in human nature and civilization.