
Desktop Publishing

Desktop publishing can be a profitable source of income. Take some of the articles from your websites and compiled them into a book. Edit and polish and rearrange them into a story that makes sense and is easy to read.

Get up in the morning and say your prayers and get to work. Take good care of yourself, physically, mentally and spiritually. Start writing. You have a lot of work to do, like writing your blog, your website articles, your books and your social media campaigns,

Puget Sound
Puget Sound

The Scribus Desktop Publishing Application

Use Scribus to prepare your stories for publication. Scribus has a really good manual that not only teaches you a lot of technical details about Scribus, but also a lot of information about the science of desktop publishing. You know? Color management, text layout and all kinds of things like that.

You can use Scribus to control every detail of the layout of your book. You can use color and all kinds of images, like photos and drawings. There is a steep learning curve. Scribus is not all that pretty. It is just a full featured, professional grade, desktop publishing application.

On-line Self Publishing

Lulu.com, BookBaby and IngramSpark are three different options for publishing the book. Read through all the documentation. The Scribus Manual will teach you about desktop publishing in general and each one of the self publishing options has a lot of pretty good documentation to teach you how to publish your stories on their platforms.

You can choose between doing everything yourself or paying the company for assembling your manuscript into as book. You can consult with the companies. They will help you learn their system.

Your Social Media Campaign

Start working on your social media campaign. LinkedIn is a good place to start. Make sure your LinkedIn profile is up-to-date. Pick one or two social media platforms and participate in the conversation.

Focus your social media comments on the topics you are writing about on your website and in your books. Avoid getting drawn into controversial arguments. Politely comment about issues and stay out of the arguments. Be a professional, high performance sales executive.

Your Desktop Publishing Business

Desktop publishing is serious business. Get your office set up so you are comfortable working there and cultivate a productive workflow. Work fast.

Learning how to use the tools will slow you down at first, but then you will get experience and muscle memory. Plan-do-review. Write down your experience after you get your first book published. How can you improve your workflow? Make your improvements and repeat the process.

Make sure you eat right and get plenty of exercise. Take a walk around your neighborhood every once in a while. Hang out at the café. Visit with your neighbors.

And keep working. You are going to have to work, just like this is your job, because it is your job. Write for at least five hours every day. Spend the other three or seven hours doing research.

And have fun. Study poetry to improve your playful writing style.

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