Entertaining Education
This website is a high performance learning and teaching system. Read the stories and watch the videos. And comment. Multi-channel, two-way communications is the best way to learn and teach.
Take responsibility for your artificial intelligence. It is an extension of yourself. Create something valuable and trade it in our one, world wide, free marketplace. Get in the habit of helping people, whenever you can. An attitude of service and productivity will cause success.
It will take a lot of work and a lot of persistence. Work fast, work smart and work safely. Read the manual. Reading technical manuals, to learn how to understand machine languages and computer science, is tedious work. Improving yourself is valuable.

These stories and this website are a very advanced thinking, teaching and learning system. I realize that a lot of young people do not like to pay attention for a long time. I agree that short clips are useful, but long stories help you learn deeply. Reading books is still one of the best ways to learn.
Pay attention to the information available on this website. Read all the stories and watch all the videos, to help you attain a holistic perspective of your holistic home office ecosystem; within your own home office, your neighborhood and globally. The sooner you get started, the sooner you will start seeing benefits and the benefits will last long after you finish this advanced curriculum.
I realize that my stories are not academic style writing or Hollywood style video production. Don’t let that distract you. I am recovering from extremely harsh conditions. I lived in a box in a junk yard, for 5 years during the 1990s, while I was recovering from drug addiction. I read a lot of books in that gutted out cabover camper. One of the first books I read there was a text book named Business Law.
I am producing all this content by myself. I do get some of the photos from Pexels or iStock. I’ve posted several blog posts from quest writers in the news section. I invite people to contribute. I need all the help I can get.
I am learning how to write and use Linux and WordPress and all the applications I use to make the content, all by myself. I’ve asked many people for help. No one seems interested. So, other than the authors of the books I read and the videos I watch, I am a solopreneur. People have been telling me I can’t do this all my life. I just keep working on creating content. Hopefully soon, someone will recognize the value of my work and I’ll start earning income from my creative freedom.
If you read through all these stories and watch all the videos, it will change your mind in a good and healthy way. What you do with the information is up to you. You can agree or disagree with anything I say or write. This website is my perspective of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. You will have your own perspective, derived from all of your education and experience.

I recommend starting at the top left of the main menu and working your way through all the stories. Each story stands on its own, but they do build on each other. The links in the main menu at the top right of every page, is a list of sections under that topic. Each section is a list of stories. Read the stories. They are full of good ideas.
My weird, non-academic writing style; mixing a variety of subjects into these rambling stories, is part of a deeply penetrating, neuro-linguistic, communications system, to influence your subconscious mind to produce both material prosperity and spirituality. It is a holistic perspective of human nature and civilization in general, and the home office ecosystem in particular.
My ways of doing things are probably not the most efficient way. I am a slow learner. I’m kind of clumsy and absent minded. All I know is, I’ve been interested in some very advanced subjects for all of my life.
Language is one of the most primal facets of human consciousness. It is the foundation of the rule of law of human consciousness and human civilization. Language is a set of rules, like grammar, syntax, nouns, verbs, etc.
Thinking is a function of language. Civilized human beings have instinct and emotion in common with animals. Language and thinking and reading and writing are causing the human Kingdom of life on earth, to diverge from the animal Kingdom of life on earth and to converge into one universal and divine civilization, terraforming earth from a wilderness into a beautiful garden.
Humans are not born civilized, we learn how to be civilized by observing our parents and other people and by language and education. Voluntary submission to the rule of law, (in this particular case, language) is the nature of thinking. In other words, we all follow the same rules, the same language and culture, in order to understand each other. We think in our language. And we use language to communicate and to organize ourselves into civilizations more sophisticated than troops of wild animals.
I wrote a whole book about the divergence of Hominidae from Animalia, The HomoSpeis Hypothesis, which is the very last section of the stories on this website, under the Speis section. This is the only place it is published.
After a few hundred thousand years of evolution, human beings are diverging into an entirely new, separate and distinct, biological Kingdom of life on earth. And now, we are just starting to develop many global clouds of artificial intelligence, based on machine languages.
There are many machine languages. Some accomplish specialized tasks, like the difference between a dump truck and a loader, others are just variations of the same tool, like the difference between a Ford and a Chevy.
Natural History
Speis is an ancient Indo-European word that means spirit. It actually has many names, such as spirit, the one unified field, power, consciousness, sometimes I call it speis. It may be the consciousness of the Manifestation of God, but I do not know that. It is definitely not God, because God, the uncreated Creator, cannot be comprehended by humans, let alone described by us.
The divine rule of law is a feature of the one unified field. It is the rules governing the activity of the one unified field and all the materials and creatures in the universe. Natural law is a particular form of the divine rule of law governing natural history. The divine rule of law governs all spiritual creatures, like human beings, or even spiritual creatures from other planets.
The only way we can have a relationship with God is by having a relationship with the Manifestation of God. Adam, Noah, Abraham, Krishna, Moses, Zoroaster, Buddha, Jesus Christ, Muhammad, the Bab and Baha’u’llah are the Manifestation of God appearing in the form of a man living on earth. They are the way God speaks to His creatures, and teaches us how to be civilized human being and how to get to the Kingdom of God.
At first, at least hypothetically, speis is just being, it’s not really doing anything. God has always been the Creator and always will be, so speis is always, inherently active. Being and acting are actually one and the same thing. Speis in motion, activity, causes time and space.
The instant speis moves it causes an equal and opposite reaction, producing spheres of yin and yang spinning around each other in the form of elementary particles of energy and matter. Yin and yang are exactly the same thing, it is the activity and the interaction between them that makes them distinct from each other. Speis is the one unified field being. The activity is creativity. Creativity is the most primal activity. Everything in natural history is made of creativity, speis in action.
Super-strings are the boundaries between the yin and yang. There is no film or substance or membrane or anything like that, it is just the fuzzy boundary between yin and yang. Sometimes strings vibrate in a digital sense, as in on or off, light or dark. Another, more analog, aspect of the spectrum is just different, back and forth, in and out, up and down. The frequency and dimensions of the vibration determines what kind of Quark or Lepton a particle is. The difference between particles and forces are also just variations of the vibrating super-strings.
Male and female are actually a blend of digital and analog. You’re either male or female, however, both are equally present, unlike off. For example, light is a frequency of vibration in the electromagnetic spectrum. Darkness is nothing other than the absence of light, in other words, no vibration at all. Male and female are equally present and equally precious variations of the same thing. Men and women are different, equal and complimentary partners, always have been, always will be.

Motion is a change in position over time. This interaction is characterized by a set of features that we recognize as natural law.
Time begins in the same process as the creation of matter. The vibration of super-strings is the origin of the space time continuum. None of this is an accident. It is all caused by the will, power and consciousness of God. Natural law is a subset of the divine rule of law.
The entire universe springs from the divine rule of law. The boundary between physics, chemistry, biology and psychology is like the difference between water, ice and steam. Biology is just a particular form of chemistry.
There are an estimated two trillion galaxies within visual range of earth. An average galaxy contains 500 billion stars. Each star is surrounded by a cloud of material. In certain circumstances, conditions are favorable for chemistry to evolve into biology. Chemistry and biology are variations of the same natural and universal rule of law.
Earth naturally generates life. The conditions and chemistry of earth are such that life automatically flourishes here. Like iron rusting, piles of clay made of pyroclastic clouds, settling into salt water, gradually evolve into microbial mats all over earth. If we, God forbid, sterilized earth somehow, earth would naturally regenerate life on earth. Generating life is a natural consequence of the chemistry of the galaxy and planets like earth are how it does that.
At a certain stage of evolution, the most advanced creatures on earth, human beings, began naming different things in our environment. In a very long, gradual process, the rule of law of a variety of languages evolved. Language is another fractal version of biosemiotic interaction, where individual cells secrete chemicals to signal between each other, to attract or repel or activate or deactivate biological processes. We can speak and understand each other by learning and following a particular set of those rules of law. The principles of all languages are identical, the details are diverse.
During thousands of years of divine education and scientific research we have learned to discover and follow natural laws, to improve the material affairs of human nature and civilization. We can build machines that fly by investigating, discovering and following the natural laws of aerodynamics. Practicing spirituality, which is submission to God, brings us closer to God.
I love God. I cannot leave God out of this story. I am seeking the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Science and religion, faith and reason, are complimentary facets of human consciousness. They are the yin and yang of our search for truth.
Everything I say or write is my own personal perspective of the truth. I am a libertarian. I do not want to be told what to think, say or do. I have no authority or desire to tell anyone what to believe. I am not shy about what I believe. I like studying the faith and talking about the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Arguing about faith, religion or spirituality is an abomination. I hope and believe that there is only one God and Baha’u’llah is Who He says He is.
Civilization depends on religion and spirituality. Divine education is the difference between a civilized human being and a wild animal. Whenever human beings abandon the religion of the people, their ancestors, who created their civilization, the civilization ends. It has happened over and over again, throughout human history.
Science without religion is materialism. Religion without science is superstition. Science is our search for truth about natural history, human nature and civilization. Religion is our search for truth about spirituality. Either one without the other is a half truth. Seek the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, at all times and under all conditions.
I am a unique individual human being and even though I like to call myself a shaman or wizard, because I like reading and learning and teaching, I’m not really all that special. I’m full of good and evil, just like most human beings.

A few people, the Manifestation of God, like Jesus Christ and Baha’u’llah are perfect reflections of the names and attributes of God. I’m just an ordinary earthling, trying to have fun producing something valuable and contributing to the advancement of human nature and civilization. I am helping people thrive, in the world the way it is today. I’m also trying to serve the Cause of God. These two objectives, helping people and serving God, are one and the same objective.
Spirituality is an important facet of this story because, what I am teaching you is a very powerful weapon. It would be irresponsible for me to teach you how to use it, without the moral and spiritual guidance to use the knowledge for the good of all mankind; and even for the good of all life on earth and all life anywhere in the universe.
I’ve discovered that the one thing God does is, He reveals or otherwise creates the divine rule of law. Everything in heaven and earth evolves, according to the divine rule of law revealed by God. Natural law is just an insignificant form of the divine rule of law. Natural history is like a shadow of the spiritual reality being produced by the divine rule of law.
Creativity is the most primal rule of law. Attraction and radiance are features of creativity. In human consciousness, love and appetite, very primal instincts in human nature, are also facets of creativity. Gravity and light are other forms of attraction and radiance. Dominance and compliance are features of appetite. Inducement and submission are features of love. (Marston, 1928)
Of course, there will be competition, just like the antibodies fight against any disease that enters our bodies. Unity in diversity, not uniformity, is the universal rule of law. The universe is made out of natural resources. There is no shortage of natural resources. There never can be a shortage of natural resources.
We can produce plenty of food and shelter for all the people of earth. The only way to make sure everyone has a fair share of material resources is to teach everyone the one common faith of all mankind, the Baha’i Faith. I definitely recommend that you investigate the Faith for yourself. My stories about the faith are a dim reflection of my understanding of the faith. Read the sacred writings of Baha’u’llah to get an unvarnished revelation of the Word of God.
Free Enterprise
Capitalism is private ownership of the means of production and private control of the means of production. It is individual liberty to produce what you want to produce and to trade it in a free and open marketplace. Of course, you have to produce something other people want to trade for. Capitalism is a science, investigating the natural laws of economics. Private property and free enterprise are the yin and yang of capitalism. Real capitalism is lawful, not lawless.
Trading is another fractal of biosemiotic interaction. Just like the strong nuclear field, electroweak field and gravity are the rules governing elementary particles of matter; and biosemiotic chemistry governs the interaction between biological cells; language, the divine law of marriage, i.e., family and economics is the rule of law governing human interaction. States are man made institutions created to serve and protect the people. God makes the rules.
Both capitalism and democracy require the people to be religious. Divine education produces responsible citizens, capable of being productive in a free and open economy. It’s like Django depends on Python and Drupal depends on PHP. Capitalism and democracy and even civilization itself, depend on religion.
Creativity is the most primal instinct in human nature and in all life. In fact, the entire universe is made out of creativity. The reason the universe exists is to create conscious individual creatures. God says He created us because He loves us (Baha’u’llah, Hidden Words, 4). Create something valuable. Express your creativity in productive ways, not selfish and destructive ways. Learn how to trade your products for a profit. Make sure everyone gets a good deal trading with you.
All life is precious. Everyone wants to be important and everyone is important. Wanting to be more or less important than anyone else is a character defect. Any kind of ruling class, trying to control what is inherently and intentionally free, is corruption of human nature and civilization. Selfish ambition is the dark side of human nature.
God makes the rules. Man made rules are inherently corrupt and unsustainable. Mob rules are just another version of the rule of man, which we, the people of earth, have rebelled against during the last few centuries. Selfish ambition is another corrupt form of the rule of man.
That doesn’t mean that we can’t create man made institutions to execute the divine rule of law in our culture and civilization. Law and order is an essential feature of civilization. Civilized human beings must be governed by God. Our man made institutions must reflect that divine world order.
Submission to God is the actual nature of freedom. Freedom is lawful. It is seeking the truth and following the divine rule of law, revealed by God. Wild is lawless. Anarchy is rebellion against God. Replace your selfish ambition with submission to God. Love and respect every human being you interact with and all human beings everywhere.
Plants and animals live by instinct and that is natural for them. Civilized human beings have instinct and emotion in common with the animal kingdom. Human beings also have intellectual and spiritual capacities that no animal has. We consciously and intentionally, investigate the truth and voluntarily practice the divine rule of law, in our individual lives and in our family, culture and civilization.
Jesus Christ and the christian civilization He founded has led to the Renaissance, the Enlightenment, the American and French Revolutions liberating the human race from the rule of man. Islam means submission to God. Jihad is practicing submission to God, instead of your own selfish ambition.
Capitalism, democracy and human rights are features of human nature just as real and constant as gravity and the speed of light. Capitalism is the family farms and the millions of individual shops, each one owned and operated by a different family. These giant corporations, with detailed rules, enforced by law, are features of national socialism, not capitalism.
Employees should own and operate the company they work for. Employees should definitely earn a share of the profit of the company they work for, in addition to their wages. Stakeholder capitalism is a good idea. Replace selfish ambition and competition with love and compassion and service and cooperation.
I think that free and open source technology and especially free and open source education and healthcare are good ideas that will help us firmly establish a peaceful, prosperous and sustainable human civilization on this planet.
Progressive taxation is a good idea. While the state cannot and should not try to eliminate income inequality, it should enact laws to ensure a fair and reasonably equal distribution of economic opportunity. Productivity and prosperity will depend on the will of the people, individually and collectively, not any elite ruling class. Local, national and global commerce must be well regulated to ensure a fair, safe, clean and decent economy. Create a level playing field on purpose.
Freedom is lawful, not lawless. We all need to practice the rule of law in our own lives, in our careers and in our businesses, to regulate our economy well. We do not need the state to control every detail of our economy. Give people the freedom to discover and invent new things that no one else thought of.

We human beings have become so successful and prosperous because of the classical liberal revolution, because of capitalism, democracy and human rights. It has transformed our economy from an agricultural one, into an industrial and now, information age economy. It has unleashed the free enterprise inherent in human nature. We need spirituality to make our economy sustainable.
We are so successful that we must govern our economic activity to preserve our natural habitat. For example, we need to require licenses and permits for mining and hunting and fishing, so that we maintain a safe, clean and fair resource extraction ecosystem and we don’t eat all the fish.
We’re terraforming earth more and more consciously and intentionally. We need well educated farmers, well trained biologists, intelligent economists and a lot of cooperation to work together to make sure we all do a good job.
Do not litter! Transform your selfish ambition and competition into cooperation, unity in diversity and service. Create a safe, clean and decent society everywhere on earth. On purpose!
Big business is not a bad idea. I like many of the things big business produces, like skyscrapers and jet planes, computers and the Internet. We’re building cities as fast as we can, all over the world. We’re building a space-faring civilization. We just need the people who own and operate the big businesses to be well educated, in both material science, economics and spirituality.
A Global Cloud of Artificial Intelligence
Another very interesting facet of the evolution of human consciousness involves the development of computers and the internet. So now, not only can we fly around earth and see pictures of earth taken from space, we can also instantly communicate with each other, from anywhere on earth to anywhere on earth.
There are private spaces in the global cloud of artificial intelligence and each individual human being has access to a vast database of much of the knowledge and experience of all mankind. Just like enclosing land into private property enables people to harvest the rewards of their labor, enclosing ideas and information into private property enables people to trade ideas and information.

This awakening of the collective consciousness of all mankind is a profound metamorphosis of human nature and civilization. It’s similar to the individual cells in microbial mats evolving into myriads of multicellular creatures, only in this case, we are evolving from myriads of civilizations into one global civilization.
Imagine flying around in your own personal interstellar transport. The transport is alive. It’s an artificial, bio-mechanical organism, which is wirelessly connected to your central nervous system. You don’t have to say or do anything, you just want to go somewhere and the transport automatically goes there.
Its like your clothing. You don’t have to tell your clothing to move into another room. You just walk into the other room, your clothing automatically goes with you. Its the same with your interstellar transport. Like riding a horse, your knowledge, skill and wisdom will enable you to lead a system far more powerful than your self alone.
We can accomplish this by discovering and developing the rules of law for artificial intelligence. Mathematics is the underlying natural law governing artificial languages like C, Rust and SQL. Learning and following the rules of law of computer science will enable you to interact with the global cloud of artificial intelligence more effectively.
You’ll be able to create and present your art. Teach other people your specialty. And even help develop the rules of law for computer science and artificial intelligence.
Space faring civilization
Space exploration is going to be a wonderful adventure for future generations of humans. We are just beginning to take our first steps into the cosmos.
A global cloud of artificial intelligence that we can log into and harness to advance human consciousness is under construction right now. Space transportation has already reached a fourth stage. Apollo was stage one. The space shuttle was stage two. The space station is stage three and Artemis is stage four.
And now, Space-X is taking space business to the next level. Private enterprise is developing space transportation on an industrial scale. Robots are running and jumping and playing games like ping pong and are far superior to any human being in any kind of physical labor.
While we’ve been operating in near earth orbit for more than 70 years now, we’ve sent robotic explorers to every planet and many other places in our solar system. Voyager 1 and 2 are still sending data from interstellar space, outside of the solar system.
Space exploration is one field of activity that big businesses are good at. Individual families usually do not have the resources to build the infrastructure to get to space, let alone travel through it.
Once the infrastructure is developed and the laws and principles governing space exploration and space business are developed, then individual entrepreneurs will follow and exploit opportunities and develop small businesses in infrastructure designed for it.
Machine Language
I’ll be recommending a particular set of tools that I like, because they are the ones I’ve been using. I’m not all that expert in using them. This is a learning experience for me, as well as a teaching system.
There are a diverse assortment of options to choose from. My recommendations are just my preferences and will show you ways to get a good start developing your own holistic home office based, high performance, free enterprise. Develop your own peaceful and prosperous life on earth. You can try other options as you discover tools you like using.
I also want to show you how to create your own high performance, home office based, free and open source, programmable, artificial intelligence and computer science ecosystem, because that’s what I want to do.
Kind of like building hot rod cars in the 1970s. Now, we’re building high performance computers in the 21st century. Use ChatGPT and Dall-E to help you create content for your websites. ChatGPT is a text writing artificial intelligence and Dall-E is an artificial intelligence that draws pictures. Study them. Get really good at using them in your content creation workflow. And remember to always give credit where credit is due, even to artificial intelligence.
Right now, C, C++ and QML, Python, Lua, Rust, Linux, HTML, CSS and JavaScript are the computer programming languages I recommend learning first. Learn C because its the language that Linux was originally written in. C++ is a more advanced version of C. Python is a lot easier to learn and use.
Linux is not really a language. Its an operating system, which I recommend to help you set yourself free from the commercial computer science ecosystem. Not that there is anything wrong with commerce. Its just that private property is a universal human right and an essential feature of free enterprise. Own your own means of production.
Private property is valuable. Corporations have a right to protect their private property. When I buy a computer, that computer belongs to me. It is my private property. All of the computer, including the software, is my private property. We all have a universal human right to produce, keep and trade our private property.
All natural resources belong to God and to the community of all mankind. The value added to the natural resources is private property.
Its important for you to be in control of your own private, free enterprise. Self-discipline leads to self-determination. Self-determination is an inherent feature of freedom. If the government or a big business is in control, then that is not your free enterprise, unless you own the big business, or you want to work for the big business. Team work is a good idea. The entire human race is one team. The right to own private property is a universal human right.
HTML, CSS and JavaScript are the languages of the Internet. Learn how to use Python, HTML, CSS and JavaScript to create beautiful art and dynamic digital tools that expand and improve our collective consciousness.
Get started building a WordPress website on Bluehost as soon as possible. The sooner you start, the sooner you will learn how to use it effectively in your own free enterprise.
Be mindful of, any code that I present in this website works on my computer and you may need to adjust it to work on your machines. I use Kubuntu or KDE Neon because Ubuntu is one of the most popular Linux distributions, especially for beginners, and KDE is a desktop environment with a versatile and beautiful set of graphical user interface tools, which makes it relatively easy to get started learning how to use Linux.
My ideas are my opinion. You are responsible and accountable for your own ideas, attitude and actions. My stories are just a primer, to help you get started finding your own way in the free and open source ecosystem.
Holistic Home Office will be a dynamic, evolving, entertaining education from now on, for as long as I can work on it, and maybe for long after that, if I can attract someone to join me in some sort of free and open source corporation or foundation.
Study computer science. Download the free documentation for the free and open source software. Pay attention to the words you read, without pronouncing the words in your mind when you read them. Pronouncing the words in your mind slows you down, a lot.
Speed read the manuals, sometimes more than once, to help you improve yourself and build your own holistic home office based free enterprise.
ZSH Vim Git SSH Python PHP w3schools PostgreSQL Nginx Django
Have fun programming your artificial intelligence and be careful making the world a better place.
Photo by Srdjanns74, iStock Photo by Polina Zimmerman, Pexels Photo by Avery Nielsen-Webb, Pexels Photo by Tom Swinnen, Pexels Photo by Markus Winkler, Pexels Photo by sturti, iStock