Terraforming Earth
Human nature and civilization is terraforming earth, from a dangerous wilderness, into a beautiful garden. We’re building a safe, clean and decent neighborhood.
These next few stories are focused on the economic and technological facets of human nature and civilization. Science, economics and technology are important features of holistic human being. They’re the tools that we use as leverage to expand our physical, mental and even spiritual faculties.
Economics is a science. It’s also an art. Technology is a weapon that we use to help us build our habitat for humanity and to produce our food, clothing, tools and toys. Science is our search for truth about natural history. Science and technology are valuable tools that we are using to extend our reach, to increase our leverage, to improve human nature and civilization.
Team work and altruism are one of the greatest strengths of human nature and civilization. Sumerians and Egyptians began gathering together into larger and larger groups, in order to protect themselves from other groups and to increase their productivity. A whole nation of people can accomplish the construction of pyramids that last for thousands of years. No individual or small group of people can do that.
The only way to get the big businesses and the government to serve and protect the people, rather than herding us around like domestic animals, is to teach everyone our one common faith. All of the world’s major religions are our one common faith. That way, the people who work for those businesses and the government will be humble, honest and spiritual servants of God.
“27 So God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them. 28 God blessed them and said to them, ‘be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.’ 29 Then God said, ‘I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth and every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food. 30 And to all the beasts of the earth and all the birds of the air and all the creatures that move on the ground–everything that has the breath of life in it–I give every green plant for food.’ And it was so.”
Holy Bible, Genesis, ch1, v27-30
Whether you work in a big or small business or you are an individual free agent, working in your own home office based cottage industry, exercise your talents, be a high performance professional discoverer and or creator of valuable information. Study, get really good at whatever you do. Make yourself useful.
Own the company that you work for and add value to the company. Make sure that you get that profit sharing check in addition to your wages.
The way our economy is organized right now, you’ll just have to invest in the stock market. Start investing as early as possible. The sooner you get started, the more likely you will have plenty of income for your retirement. Invest a small amount every month and keep doing that every month for your entire career and let compound interest increase your account. Make sure you do your research and invest in the market, do not gamble with the stock market, you’ll most likely lose and that is harmful to you, the market and to civilization.
This story is just my perspective of our universal commonwealth. You can agree with me about the details, or not. The main thing I’m teaching you is to have a global perspective. To add value to our world economy, not just your own family or your own tribe or nation. Whatever is best for the entire human race, as a whole, is what is best for each individual human being.
Human History
150,000 years ago, Archaic Homo Sapien had evolved into Neanderthal Man in Eurasia and Cro-Magnon Man in Africa. 60,000 years ago Cro-Magnon Man began migrating out of Africa and mixing together with Neanderthal Man, first in the Levant, and then throughout Eurasia. Neanderthal Man was selected for extinction about 30,000 years ago.
Also about 30,000 years ago Homo Sapien first migrated into America, first from Europe and then, when the ice melted, opening up an ice free corridor from Alaska, the Siberian tribes began immigrating into America, eventually replacing the Clovis people, who most likely came from Europe during the last ice age and were selected for extinction by an impact event. Wandering tribes of hunter gathers spread out and covered the earth.
About 12,000 years ago, soon after the end of that last ice age, the first evidence of organized religion starts showing up in the archaeological record, in the form of the Gobekli Tepe site in Turkey. I wonder if that is where Noah settled after the flood? The domestication of animals and then plants begins showing up soon after that.
Men started enclosing the land into private property and cultivating the earth at least 6 or 7000 years ago. We started gathering ourselves into towns and cities in order to protect ourselves and our private property from other people, wandering around looking for something to eat.
With the domestication of plants and animals we began to learn how to manipulate nature to accomplish things we wanted and needed. We began developing our supernatural capacity to manipulate nature by taking substances that exist in nature and transforming them into creations imagined in the human mind. We learned how to separate one particular mineral out the soil and heat it up and forge it into iron tools and golden jewelry.
During thousands of years of hand making, first stone and bone tools, then copper and bronze and iron tools. And don’t forget the jewelry. Thousands of years of practice, enabled us to learn how to create more and more intricate works of art.
The first machines, such as clocks and water pumps, were old by the time we discovered/ invented the wheel. We started writing about the same time we started cultivating the land, in order to keep track of our private property. Various kinds of money facilitated trade.
The printing press and the industrial revolution were another giant wave of social and economic development progress. Today, our agricultural, industrial, educational and medical science and technology are nothing less than supernatural powers that human beings have learned from our divine education and from our free enterprise.
The point is that our science and technology, our education and our medicine are magnificent improvements in human nature and civilization. Find a niche for yourself in our one universal commonwealth and get really good at something you like doing and trade that skill with the people around you.
In order to make this material progress sustainable, in order to make waves of steady progress from the seasons and cycles of development, without falling off the bike every winter, our spiritual development must lead the way forward, to a sustainable universal commonwealth, advancing in waves of progress from now on for as long as the human race exists.
Our present human civilization has experienced a massive industrial expansion during the last 250 years, which is driven by hydrocarbon fueled, internal combustion engines. Our social and economic development infrastructure is designed around this industrial technology.
There’s nothing inherently wrong with industrial technology. However, our social and economic development ecosystem needs to be designed around our one common faith, the divine rule of law, not any science or technology or economic or political agenda. That is, after all, the very essence of the Kingdom of God. That is what is coming up next.
Creative destruction is a facet of capitalism, and other complex systems. It is gradually replacing this industrial revolution based economy, with a new information age economy that is socially, economically and environmentally sustainable and spiritually inspired.
I wonder if the information age is the last stage of the Imperial Era or the first phase of the Baha’i Era or both. Probably both. Is our future world economy, our universal commonwealth, going to use money or some other method of trading? What about private property? Is that holding us back? Or didn’t God give us private property when He said, “I give you every seed bearing plant…”
100,000 years from now, scientists will be digging around, investigating the pollution layer, trying to understand how and why we suddenly changed from small bands of hunter gatherers, into one universal and divine civilization, peacefully evolving in waves of social and economic development progress.
We’re already in the midst of one of those punctuated equilibrium events. Perhaps soon, fusion reactors or some other revolutionary technology, such as zero point energy, will pop the hydrocarbon fueled, internal combustion engine powered, bubble our economy is currently experiencing. You know, every once in a while the slow progress is interrupted by sudden bursts of revolutionary transformation of ecosystems.
I was going to say biological ecosystems, but water changing into ice or steam is another example of a chemical ecosystem going through a similar revolutionary transformation.
We’re like children, learning how to ride a bike. The rise and fall of civilization is just like a child falling off a bike. We’re learning about the cycles of how and why civilization rises and falls. Just like those first farmers learned about the agricultural cycles and seasons, and how to cultivate the land and harvest a continuous supply of food and shelter, from the cycles of seasonal productivity. Now, we’re learning how to establish a sustainable civilization, from the ebb and flow of social and economic development.
Both the Old Testament and the Book of Mormon reveal stories about tribes of people who experience these cycles of getting humble and spiritual and growing up into a great society. Then they get arrogant and lazy and abandon the spirituality that enabled them to create the civilization and their civilization ends and they have to start all over again.
This has happened over and over again in human history. King David and Solomon and King Cyrus and Darius were honorable men who led the people to greatness. Then their descendant’s began to feel entitled to greatness. They didn’t earn it. They gradually abandoned the cultural values and spiritual discipline that enabled their ancestors to accomplish great things. They began acting like animals again, pursuing there own selfish ambition, their own animal passion, instead of working together as a spiritual team. And that is the end of civilization, every time, over and over again, throughout human history.
Designing technology to harness the zero point energy field is the most likely way to replace the monopoly that the hydrocarbon industry currently has on our access to the unlimited energy the universe is made of, with real spiritually inspired free enterprise. Many physicists say that we can’t do that. Many engineers and mechanics just keep doing it. The universe is made out of attraction and radiance, yin and yang.
Its frustrating, and even infuriating! On the one hand, I like capitalism, private property and free enterprise. On the other hand, this monopoly that is suppressing our access to the zero point energy field, discovered by Nicola Tesla, Stanley Pons and Martin Fleischman, John Hutchinson and many other people; forcing us to pay a fascist oligarchy for the rare, expensive and filthy hydrocarbon fuel is the greatest corruption in human history. Calling it capitalism is an insult to free enterprise. Its 1984!
There’s nothing really wrong with the hydrocarbon industry, other than the corrupt business practices of enforcing our dependence on the monopoly, by suppressing alternative options. The hydrocarbon fuels are kind of like mother’s milk. Its good to use them while we’re growing up. Now that we’re becoming aware of our universal human rights and our one universal commonwealth, its time to start sailing on the ocean of unlimited power the universe is floating upon.
We’re using hydrocarbons to prime the pump. Those oligarchs are all dying of old age and everyone in the world is aware of whats going on and striving to break free from the monopoly, the imperial pyramid. All the religions in the world are teaching the one unchanging, eternal faith of God. Even though the materialists can’t stand it, the people are becoming more and more spiritual, while the world economy is becoming more and more corrupt and materialistic.
The zero point energy field is the dark energy that makes up 75% of the substance of the universe. It’s the aether, the cosmological constant, the energy that fills the entire space time continuum, and that all normal energy and matter in the universe is made of.
From what I can tell from my research of physics and technology, which is more like a journalist writing about it, than an actual physicist spending a lifetime studying it, we are on the brink of revolutionary advancement of our ability to tap into natural resources that we are only recently becoming aware of. It’s like discovering electricity, times a trillion.
Low Energy Nuclear Reactions [LENR] are another promising candidate for a transformative technology that would trigger the complete replacement of our military industrial complex, powered by hydrocarbon fueled, internal combustion engines, with metered electricity delivered by wires; with easy, inexpensive access to unlimited and free energy for anyone who wants or needs it. It’s not so much a technology, as it is knowledge and wisdom.
Thunder and lightning storms are one of the features of earth’s electrical field. We know that it’s there. We even know how to harness it. All we need is the political will to develop the technology to harness the virtually unlimited resource, to replace the rare and expensive hydrocarbon fuel we’ve been sold so effectively.
How many times do we have to go through this company town syndrome, before we figure out how to prevent it from hijacking our economy and leading us to the end of civilization, over and over again.
All we really need to pay for is the antenna or the harness, the value added to the natural resources. Paying for the energy is like paying a private company for the air we breathe. The universe is made out of energy and there are many different ways already discovered, to harness some of that energy for work. All we have to do now, is bring them to the market.
How crazy is it that our government forces us to pay for rare and expensive artificial health care, energy and information, when we know how to harness abundant natural resources, inexpensively and sustainably. Our academy is teaching, corporations are selling and governments are enforcing a culture of dependence that is unnecessary, harmful and rapidly evolving toward extinction.
Imagine the transformation of society, when all people have very inexpensive access to as much energy as we want or need. Add to that, free and open source education, inexpensive natural healthcare, free and open source software like Linux, Wikipedia, and Creative Commons, etc. Moodle and Kahn Academy and many other alternatives are just beginning to break the education monopoly.
Civilized human beings will never be satisfied with being herded around by any elite ruling class, nor should we be. Private property and free enterprise, personal responsibility and self determination are just as real and constant as the laws of physics and biology.
One World Economy
The whole world is one giant computer these days, the human race is one giant network of networks. How will our corporate ecosystem evolve in response to the new and revolutionary free and open source ecosystem. How will the growing together of the Internet and the Chinanet evolve and influence each other?
The only real spiritual hierarchy is the direct connection between Almighty God, the Manifestation of God and His people. Governments, corporations, non profit organizations [NGOs] and even organized religion is here to serve the people, not control us.
The corporations are valuable enterprises that accomplish valuable objectives, such as the design and construction of our vast habitat for humanity, with our transportation networks and the Internet, which makes these global networks possible. We just need to reorganize our society so that the corporations serve the people, instead of herding us around like they own us. Remember how many times Jesus told His Apostles to serve the people?
Many companies are already making significant progress toward sustainability. Recognizing that their employees are their most valuable resource and taking care of them accordingly.
I suspect that, at least to begin with, there will be a blend of individual entrepreneurs, small and large companies, proprietary and open source products and services. It will be global, vast and complex. The 21st century United Nations dwarfs any previous human civilization, including the USA during the 20th century.
And I’m not saying anything bad about my favorite country, the USA. We just recently succeeded in landing several car sized, remotely piloted vehicles on Mars. We’re still chugging along, contributing our fair share, adding value to our universal commonwealth.
The industrial revolution and western civilization is an honorable enterprise. We can, and will, continue to improve on the progress that has already been made. We’re engineering both, harmony with each other and our natural habitat, and a more spiritual solution to our economic problems; into the social, cultural and economic development of our universal commonwealth.
These stories present a few ideas about how to do that. They’re not perfect, detailed or comprehensive or anything like that. They’re just some of my ideas and opinions about engineering an economy in harmony with the best interests of all people and our natural habitat.
They contribute to the theme of holistic human nature by inspiring thought and conversation about how to design and engineer a sustainable human civilization, and about how your professional career adds value to our world economy.