Global Consciousness

One Common Language

Build hundreds of thousands of elementary schools throughout human civilization. Teach everyone alive on earth one universal language, along with the native language of each nation. Most nations already have nearly universal education. Build some world class universities in subsaharan Africa and south Asia.

Civilized human beings insist, that every child alive on earth, has the opportunity for at least an elementary education. We all need to work together to attain universal literacy, everywhere on earth.

And make sure the kids get a free breakfast and lunch if they need it, to help relieve hunger and poverty, and to improve the teaching and learning ecosystem. There are plenty of resources to do this; it is simply a matter of willingness. Human civilization is whatever we, the people of earth, make it.

Investing in educating every child alive on earth, about citizenship in our universal commonwealth, is a far more cost effective investment, than buying weapons to protect ourselves from each other.

America has led the way towards universal education and we still have many of the best schools in the world. People come to America from all over the world, in order to get the best education they can get.

That universal education should include learning a universal language, so that all human beings can understand and communicate with each other. Esperanto is one possible option.

For now, International English seems like the most popular option. Arabic, Spanish and Mandarin Chinese are other very common languages. Farsi is Baha’u’llah’s native language and one of the most likely candidates for our one universal language for all mankind.

I have one serious complaint about the English language and that is that the name of every continent except Europe starts and ends with the letter A. This is a defect that we can and should repair, one way or another. I don’t know if other languages have the same feature, but I think this is a serious neuro-linguistic anomaly, which influences people to think of Europe as special. Europe is just another neighborhood of our one universal commonwealth. We’re all equal partners. None of us are any more or less important than anyone else, individually or collectively.

The United Nations Educational and Scientific Organization (UNESCO) can lead such a project to select and promulgate a world language. UNESCO is cooperating with national educational programs, sharing best practices, in a global effort to teach all children an attitude of global citizenship.

Using pictures of earth taken from spacecraft, in the context of the conversation about global citizenship, reinforces the idea that we all share a fragile ecosystem, floating around in a universe full of violent forces and vast empty space.

Patriotism is a good attitude. I am a nationalist and a globalist. I like my local, national and global civilization. Everyone should be a patriot.

I’m an earthling. All the people of earth are my tribe. The USA is my favorite nation. The United Nations is the richest, greatest civilization in human history. It is a brand new, class one civilization.

We’re all responsible for preserving our natural habitat, and ensuring that the intelligent impulse that human civilization is having in the midst of the evolution of earth’s biosphere is good and healthy and sustainable, and not selfish or destructive.

The Darwinian struggle for survival that has characterized human history is over. We are all one family, one tribe, one universal commonwealth. There are plenty of natural resources that we can use to insure that all people everywhere, enjoy a reasonable standard of living and high quality of life.

Teach Kids to love and respect each other

Teach kids a reasonable and progressive health, safety and environmental ethic, as soon as they start school. Teach elementary school kids how disgraceful littering is. That’s the only way to clean up the ugly piles of trash littering our home, planet earth.

The kids will be conscious of environmental ethics when they grow up and participate in our global economy. Teach them to practice healthy nutrition, family values and global citizenship. Not the corporate propaganda, teaching people to eat the chemically contaminated artificial food and to depend on big business and big government experts to take care of them.

Teach kids from the south side of Chicago how to relate with kids growing up in an African village, or kids from Mumbai how to relate with kids growing up in Wyoming. Make sure every child has access to a computer, and the Internet, and knows how to use them well. Use the Internet to allow them to communicate directly with each other.

One time, when I was driving truck over the road, I got detoured off the main route because Chicago was rebuilding Interstate 94. I drove across 147th Av. to Halsted St and then north to Interstate 57. While I was very worried about getting stuck with a semi-truck on the south side of Chicago, I was also very interested in seeing the neighborhood.

The closest I’ve ever come to living in a place like that, is living in Denver for 16 years. Our whole world civilization should be, and from what I’ve been seeing, already is working on an aggressive agenda, the Sustainable Development Goals, to make our cities more sustainable, comfortable, peaceful and prosperous. South Chicago didn’t look like all that bad of a neighborhood. Its the attitude and culture of the people that make a neighborhood a good home town.

I’ve been accused of being racist for making suggestions about how to improve the south side of Chicago, which is bizarre. Crying racism every time someone comments about any particular racial or ethnic group, is kind of like crying wolf to get attention. You lose credibility. I want to make the whole world a better place to live, for all the people of earth.

You can’t reject the society you live in and then complain because that society is ignoring you. America is intentionally designed for people, of any race, religion or culture, to prosper. Rejecting American culture causes trouble for everyone, especially the people who reject it.

In response to all the news I hear about inner city poverty and other social problems, and this applies to people anywhere in the world; I say: The people living in those inner city neighborhoods, need to take responsibility for cleaning up your neighborhood and making them peaceful and prosperous. Don’t wait for big business or the government or any experts to do it for you. You have to do it yourself. That’s the only way you’re going to get a neighborhood that you like.

Figure out how to harness that gangster culture in order to improve security, instead of threatening it. Create your own banks, instead of complaining about the outside banks refusing to lend to you. You’re going to have to learn the rules of economics and follow them. The rules are designed to solve problems experienced in the past, not to hold anyone down.

A lot of the corruption in our economy is just corruption. It has nothing to do with race. People of every race suffer from the corruption. Clamorously proclaiming racism in response to corruption actually contributes to racism, because people lose respect for the people crying racism all the time. We’re all suffering from the corruption, not just one particular race of people.

One group of bullies fighting another group of bullies is evil verses evil. Any kind of barbaric gangsters fighting against civilization, causes the people to come to the defense of civilization. Its a huge distraction from actually solving the problem of corruption.

America has eliminated any distinction between races, as a matter of policy. Of course, we haven’t completely eliminated all traces of racism. Eliminating racism is a dramatic change in human nature, which is definitely happening gradually.

ALL RACES OF PEOPLE ARE RACIST TO SOME EXTENT. Its a form of provincialism. People naturally fear unfamiliar people. That attitude comes from millennia of experience of entire villages being wiped out by strangers. Every race of people have experienced racial stife. This idea that only white people can be racist is delusional. Racism is a primitive, corrupt, uncivilized attitude.

I agree with the nature of the problem, any system that perpetuates the advantage of any class of people over any other class of people is inherently corrupt. The solution is to enforce the rule of law established in our Constitution of the United States and our Charter of the United Nations. Improve human civilization, instead of tearing it down because its not perfect.

I admit that my European ancestors have swarmed out all across the earth, wreaking havoc on native populations. Actually, my Celtic ancestors were almost exterminated by the Angles and Saxons, long before most Europeans realized that America was here. Now, we’re Viking hunters, farmers, warriors and story tellers, wandering around earth, searching for food and shelter.

We’re all working as hard as we can to create a safe, clean and decent society for our families and for all human kind. I’m teaching you to recognize that the entire human race is your family. We want and need our Native and African American citizens to join us in genuine friendship, not with hostility and resentment.

Teaching Citizenship

Exclusive access to information, jobs and other social and economic resources is a blatantly obvious corruption of capitalism and real free enterprise. Real capitalism abhors monopolies, and intellectual and labor monopolies are just as bad as capital monopolies.

I’m teaching you all to come together into one universal commonwealth. To make the whole world into one safe, clean and decent neighborhood.

Please, forgive me. Forgive each other. Love and respect each other. Democracy and human rights, capitalism and free enterprise happen on purpose. They’re not an accident that we accidentally discovered. We, the people of earth, are making the liberation of the people of earth happen on purpose.

Apply the principle of mass customization to education. Use free and open source software, free and open source education and free and open source health care. Allow people to choose their teachers. Allow kids to progress at a personal rate, and in a custom curriculum. Teachers should be guides, who assist children in their own independent investigation of truth, using our global electronic communications, education and entertainment system.

Your right to choose the education your kids get is obviously, an unalienable human right. Universal education is, and ought to be, a requirement, and there needs to be some standards that all schools must follow. There does need to be a core curriculum that all kids must learn. We just have a right to choose our teachers and our doctors, etc. We like the rule of law, not the rule of lawyers.

We can and must select a healthy balance between individual human rights, family values, community standards and our one universal commonwealth.

Free and open source education involves the ability to bring the school to the children, using the Internet, rather then bringing the children to the school. Kahn Academy, Ted TV and many other sources of virtual education are primitive examples of bringing advanced education into our homes. Automating education is one good way to get our schools away from the military industrial complex and the materialistic and secular education it is teaching.

Our economy should be designed so that one of the parents can stay home and raise your own children in person, instead of hiring experts to do it for you. Replacing our grandparents with psychiatrists and social workers is an unmitigated disaster.

I could be wrong about that. Mass education in schools has its advantages. Socialization of our kids growing up and learning together is a very positive developmental experience. It has some pretty serious disadvantages that should not be ignored. Teaching our kids to depend on the state and the elite ruling class our academic establishment is producing, is the greatest betrayal in human history. The American Revolution was all about liberating the people from any such ruling class.

Every home should have a class room where the walls of the room are LED screens, like a Star Trek holideck. Educational programming selected by parents in a curriculum that encourages kids to seek the truth and explore what they are interested in will be commonplace. Montessori school, at home or otherwise, is a good idea.

Values education, in which universal values are taught independently of any religious education, is one method that is improving the education of our citizens. Loving kindness and discipline are superior to allowing kids to run wild.

Moses’ 10 Commandments and the Buddha’s 8 fold path are two stories describing that one universal, divine rule of law, which is the very essence of human consciousness.

Learn how to use free and open source software and build your own online store, your own cottage industry. Or build your online store using proprietary software. Start producing some valuable arts and crafts and selling them on your website. Ebay, Commission Junction and Click Bank are just a few of the many formats that you can use to sell your ideas and your arts and crafts.

Linux, Moodle, WordPress, Drupal, Django and Flask are all free and open source software. LibreOffice, Darktable, Blender, Inkscape and Synfig are free and open source tools that you can learn to use to create beautiful art and valuable information. Figure out how to monetize it and earn a living using your own online store, your own customized connection to our global network of communication, education and trade.

It’s going to take work. You’re going to have to learn how to use the software. Its a little more complicated than the proprietary software, because you have to do everything manually, instead of the software doing so many things automatically for you. The advantage is that its relatively inexpensive and you get control of your computer, right down to the hardware.

Investigate and find out how to use the zero point energy and get your houses off the electrical grid. Or even better, sell your excess energy to the utility grid. That will save you from paying for a resource that is plentiful and easily accessible, as long as you understand the natural laws of the electro-magnetic spectrum, and figure out ways and means of harnessing it.

The universe is made out of energy. We have to pay for the machines that harness the energy, for the value added by human beings. Paying for the energy is like paying an individual, a private company or the government to breathe.

Teach all the children of the world how to use the free and open source technology and how to harness the zero point energy the universe is made of. Use the free and open source technology to teach our kids to come together into one universal and divine civilization.


In my own free and open source education, I recently came across this idea of heterarchy, which is kind of like the opposite or absence of hierarchy. In the process of investigating that very interesting idea, I discovered another even more interesting idea.

Triarchy is a combination of three different social structures. Hierarchy, heterarchy and something called distributed responsibility. Distributed responsibility is something like a medium way, half way between hierarchy and heterarchy.

Hierarchy is the most popular and common system currently used by human beings to organize ourselves into collective social activities larger than the family. In heterarchy, there are no alpha males and no social stratification at all. All decisions are made by the community collectively.

Distributed responsibility enables groups to use the benefits of leadership, within a heterarchical society. Its a means of enabling leadership, without any one leader or class of leaders. It would be very ad hoc, very project oriented.

For example, a civilization would probably want to have a hierarchical military chain of command in order to secure its peace and security. I think we would want a distributed responsibility economic ecosystem. We want free enterprise, not anarchy. Our religion and spirituality would be entirely up to God.

Our United Nations Charter and our Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other constitutional rules of law and most importantly, our one common faith, would ensure that the people working in the military and law enforcement hierarchies would always serve and protect the people and never interfere with our distributed responsibility based social and economic development ecosystem.

Probably the most significant areas where a heterarchy would be valuable would be in our educational and our health care ecosystems. While they would have a distributed responsibility facet for the business of education and health care, the relationship between teachers and students and doctors and patients would be pure heterarchy.

This is the crux of the matter. We learn about this selfish ambition and competition from our academic establishment. The so called power differential that the university tried to teach me, while I was studying to be a drug rehab counselor, is the source of all the conflict and contention in human nature and civilization.

Doctors, lawyers and teachers are responsible and accountable for healing this disease that is afflicting human nature and civilization. An attitude of superiority or inferiority is a mental illness and a character defect. It can and should be treated and healed.

Teach your kids to love and respect every single human being, without exception. You’ll be amazed at how fast all the crime and war and poverty will fade away and disappear into extinction. Its the selfish ambition and competition for money, property and prestige that is causing the conflict and contention and we know that it is not really all that difficult to educate and train people to be kind, friendly, fair and compassionate, provided, we start teaching our kids before they acquire a lot of bad habits.

If our academic culture is based on mutual respect and freedom, equality and justice for all, instead of selfish ambition and competition, then our medical establishment will naturally reflect that heterarchical culture and our economic institutions will naturally reflect a culture of distributed responsibility.

A large percentage of mental illness and corruption in human consciousness is caused by a distorted sense of self respect. Treating school kids like they are inferior, empty slates, that the teacher is supposed to fill with knowledge is extremely harmful to the psyche of the children. They grow up in this ruthless competition for respect and then we wonder why we’re having such a corrupt and violent society.

I have not been around school a lot, however, I have detected some progress towards a solution to this problem. However, sometimes its seems like we’re swinging over to an equally harmful extreme on the other side. Lack of discipline and anarchy are not the solution or the goal.

Our goal is to establish and defend a sustainable, universal and divine civilization. Teaching our kids to love and respect each other and that our families are one of the most important and permanent features of human nature and civilization is the solution, the means of achieving that sustainable, universal and divine civilization.