Upgrading to Kubuntu 20.10

First, I tried upgrading using the

sudo do-release-upgrade -c

command. It installed Kubuntu 20.10 alright, it just wasn’t very stable. So, I downloaded Kubuntu 20.10 from the Kubuntu website and created a new USB and installed Kubuntu 20.10 from the USB. Now, Kubuntu is looking and acting better than ever.

I installed Neovim this time around, along with Zsh and Tmux. I’ve been using my old favorite Konsole. However, I’m thinking I will be upgrading to the Alacritty terminal. There is just no way a normal terminal, running in the CPU, can keep up with Alacritty running in the GPU.

The switch to Neovim was a little nerve wracking, but it turns out that I pasted my backup .vimrc file into ~/.config/nvim/init.vim . Then run nvim +PluginUpdate. I’m back up and running.

I’ll have to work on getting Alacritty and Tmux set up. My plan is to get Alacritty, Zsh, Nvim and Tmux set up as a very high performance Integrated Development Environment. The first thing I’ll build with it is a website using Python and Flask, to upgrade from this WordPress website. After I get a decent website started, I’ll start working on developing applications using C, C++, Python and QML.

Kubuntu 20.10 came with Thunderbird as the default email and calendar application. I was slightly disappointed that KDE wasn’t pushing Kontact. Thunderbird seems very snappy and stable. Better than ever. And I like Mozilla, so that is not a big problem.

I will be focusing on the KDE applications, just not exclusively. The main thing I want to work on is getting an operating system with some kind of network file system, which I can log into from any computer, including especially my smart phone.

While it is very difficult to get Linux connected to the phone system, It seems like a philosophical problem, rather than a technological one. The phone companies don’t want people to be able to connect to their network with free and open source software.

It seems like there are several good solutions for connecting your computers together. Connecting to the phone network is a complicated problem. I would like to get the code that Ubuntu developed for their smart phone and the KDE Kontact software and use the KDE/Qt tool set to build a truly free and open source, cross-platform dashboard that people can use on all of our computers.

I encourage you to join in the effort to build it. It has to be a community effort. Not only do I want to be able to work on my own private cloud of artificial intelligence with a variety of appliances; desktop, laptops, tablets and smart phones. I also want to be able to connect to our one global cloud of artificial intelligence.

I’m a pretty big fan of capitalism and private property and free enterprise. I think that capitalism is the science of economics and that by studying and learning and following those natural laws of economics, we can create prosperity for all the people of earth. Just like we can build machines that fly by studying, learning and following the natural laws of aerodynamics.

Just like Flask depends on Python, democracy and capitalism both depend on religion. We’ve got to cooperate with each other. In order for our computers to be able to communicate with each other, they all have to speak the same language. That is one of the big advantages of having one community developed operating system, rather than a whole bunch of privately developed operating systems that can’t understand each other.

As far as the big business corporations and their proprietary software, I have nothing at all against that. Freedom, free enterprise and self determination is what I like. There does need to be some rules of the road. Freedom is lawful, not lawless. The rules must serve and protect the people, not control us for the benefit of any elite ruling class.

We don’t need no stinking ruling class. All of the gangs of bullies trying to control the human race are evil, totalitarian bullies. Oppression is the absence of justice. Justice is the absence of oppression. God makes the rules, not any ruling class of human beings.

The universe is made out of natural resources. It is not possible for there to be a shortage of natural resources. There are plenty of natural resources to produce food and shelter for just about any number of human beings. If earth gets too crowded, we’ll start migrating to other earth like planets. By the way, there are no earth like planets in this solar system, other than earth itself.

We’re going to have to cooperate with each other in order to make the jump to light speed. The entire human race is one tribe. Earth is one country. The United States is my favorite nation. The United Nations is the richest greatest civilization in human history.

What the United Nations accomplishes during the 21st century is going to dwarf what the USA accomplished during the 20th century. Right now, we’re at that stage when people were afraid of falling off the edge of the earth, right before we figured out the earth is a globe.

Now, we’re terraforming earth, from a wild jungle into a beautiful garden. We’re just about ready to make that transition to a class one civilization. The whole human race and planet earth are living in harmony with each other and preparing to metamorphose into an interplanetary civilization.

And free and open source software is a big part of growing out of that ancient and obsolete attitude and culture that I sometimes call the imperial pyramid. Its the king of the hill philosophy. It is the cause of all the conflict and contention and crime and war in human history. I don’t want corporations controlling us, any more than I want the state herding us around like domestic animals.

Freedom, equality and justice for all people everywhere is a good idea. Ubuntu means the friendship of all mankind and unity in diversity.

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