
JavaScript is the motion in your website. It is relatively easy to learn. It’s the programming language of HTML and the web.

JavaScript can change HTML content. It can change HTML attribute values and CSS styles. It can show and hide HTML elements.

Like CSS, JavaScript is often written in a separate page and linked to in the HTML via tags in the header or body of the HTML. Script tags in a web page are often entered in the header or at the bottom of the body of HTML.

When you are using the same JavaScript function on several pages, an external JavaScript page is called, using a tag. myScript.js is the name of the JavaScript file with all your JavaScript functions.

JavaScript functions are blocks of JavaScript code that can be called and executed. Functions can be called when an event, such as your audience clicking a button, occurs.

jQuery is a library that makes JavaScript easier to use. It’s already written software you can use, so you don’t have to keep rewriting commonly used JavaScript tools.

JSON, JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight format for exchanging data between applications and languages.

DOM, Document Object Model, is a programming interface that represents a web page in a way that programs can change the structure, style and content of the page. The DOM represents documents as nodes and objects. It is an object oriented representation of a webpage, which can be modified using other software, like JavaScript.

Ajax is Asynchronous JavaScript and XML. It enables you to make small changes to your website using XML or JSON, so that you don’t have to replace an entire page every time you make a small change. It enables you to present your content dynamically. Asynchronous Programming enables programs to simultaneously handle multiple tasks.

You can also use more advanced Javascript libraries and technologies like Vue and Zurb Foundation. Zurb Foundation claims to be the most advanced responsive front end framework in the world. It’s a CSS framework. Vue is the progressive JavaScript framework.

Once you get your websites up and running, investigate these tools and learn how to use them. PostgreSQL, Nginx, Flask, Zurb Foundation and Vue seem like a very powerful combination of art supplies and tools.